

有感伤的眼泪, laughs and plenty of joy for the alumni who returned to campus to celebrate their 50th reunion on May 20 and May 21.

“I’m so glad I came… it was terrific seeing old classmates and reminiscing about ‘the good old days.’ It was also nice seeing how the campus has changed since we were there,凯西·麦金尼斯(Kathy McGinnis)说.

庆祝里程碑式的周年纪念, 1970届的同学们, 1971 and 1972 were invited to the 大学’s 2022 Commencement Ceremony held at MetLife Stadium on Friday, 5月20日和周六的校园活动, 5月21日和以前的同学重新联系, 校友和他们的母校. The reunion spanned three class years because a reunion hadn’t been held since 2019 due to the pandemic.

校友 lead the procession at the 2022 Commencement Ceremony

Reunion celebrants had the honor of leading the procession during the Commencement Ceremony and were seated among the rows of graduating Red Hawks on the MetLife Stadium football field, 隔着过道和旁边的学生交谈, 现在是最新的2022届校友.

“团聚是一件令人过目难忘的事,詹姆斯·托马斯说。, 70年72年, 谁从弗吉尼亚开车来参加. “I think all the alumni there on Friday at MetLife Stadium felt like rock stars,注意到特别的午餐招待会, 与大学吉祥物洛奇的私人合影, time to meet 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 President Jonathan Koppell, and the ceremonial entrance to the stadium robed in caps, gowns and sashes to represent the 50th reunion classes in the procession.

This year marks the first time the ceremony took place at MetLife Stadium, 有史以来最大的毕业典礼场地, which allowed both undergraduate and graduate students to gather in one large combined outdoor ceremony with enough space for unlimited numbers of guests to attend safely.

The combined graduate and undergraduate ceremonies “underscore what this 大学 is: a living, 学习呼吸碑, 而不仅仅是在个人基础上学习, 而是在集体的基础上,科佩尔总统在活动上说.

这所大学预计将颁发3个奖项,804年学士, 1,硕士521名,博士43名. 114年来,十大博彩推荐排名授予了177,689个学位. There were just 45 students in the first graduating class, 现在超过了5个,2022届有300人, nearly the same number of graduates from the combined classes of 1970, 1971年和1972年庆祝他们的50周年纪念.

L-R:弗兰·萨巴利奥斯卡斯70年的作品, 苏珊·皮西特洛·帕尔71 75届硕士, and Michelle Reilly ’70 ’72 MA are all smiles at the campus gathering.


The reunion festivities were sponsored by the Office of 校友 Engagement, 参与者享受了许多活动, 包括团圆饭, a class photo on the steps in the Feliciano School of Business and a shuttle tour of campus.

“We were thrilled to welcome the classes back to campus to share this very special celebration and to provide the opportunity to reconnect in person with each other and the university,珍妮·马拉诺说, assistant vice president for Annual 给 and 校友 Engagement. “校友 got to see the amazing changes at their alma mater, and it was wonderful to hear their stories of their time at Montclair.”

The Saturday itinerary included alumni gathering on the Montclair campus for coffee and conversation, 由礼品策划办公室主办, where they reflected on Montclair’s past and its transformation and heard about the 大学’s future.

乔·麦卡卢索,1970年, 谁在同学会午餐会上发言了, conveyed the scope of change with his fellow alumni: “You will be hearing and seeing how much our 十大博彩推荐排名州立 College has been transformed into an outstanding university. 在很多方面, 这样的变化可能并不令人惊讶,他说, in citing the many changes underway during their college years.

Macaluso referenced that plans to reorganize the college into five undergraduate schools and several graduate schools, 还有关于最终成为一所大学的讨论, 发生在他们还是大学生的时候吗. “Over one quarter of the students and faculty were engaged in committees to plan these changes,他说.

愿这是庆祝和反思的一天, 时分享, “现在回想起来, our final year at Montclair truly was a preparatory one for our lives ahead. The turmoil in our nation shaped much of the events on campus. We had speakers who and events which reflected many of the social and political concerns of the day… Over fifty years later, we must acknowledge what potentials have been realized and what work lies ahead.”

Members of the Classes of 1970, 1971 and 1972 come together for a group photo.

As part of the program, guests shared a memory from their time as students. Many talked about how Montclair changed their lives and made an impact that lasted a lifetime.

“I felt honored and delighted to be among alumni who share my deep appreciation for 十大博彩推荐排名州立,奥黛丽(科萨克)罗伯茨格雷格71年硕士说, 从佛罗里达来的. “我真是赞不绝口. Thank you for yet another memorable experience of my alma mater.”

Barbara (Fischer) Erickson ’70, traveled from San Francisco to be part of the milestone event. “I so enjoyed the celebration… and appreciated renewing old acquaintances and meeting classmates unknown to me,她说。.

“The Saturday luncheon and campus tour brought back a lot of fond memories…and what was most enjoyable were the conversations I had with other alumni,托马斯说。. “As I got in my car and all the way home, I realized again how special it is to be a MSU graduate. For those of my class of 1970 who were not able to attend this 50th class reunion, please know it was truly special and we should all be so proud to be graduates of this great university.”

“Thank you so much for a wonderful reunion,” says Robert Walton ’70 ’77 MA. “多等两年是值得的. You really made me feel special … everything was done first class.”

And with a new set of memories to treasure from their time at Montclair, 校友们带着告别告别告别了周末, “我们60岁时见.”





  • Irene Trzepacz Buckley, 1970年
  • 芭芭拉·菲舍尔·埃里克森1970年
  • Lois Schneider Farese, 70届
  • 玛丽贝丝·康诺利,亨利,70年,72年
  • 约瑟夫·马卡卢索,1970年
  • 70届,71届硕士
  • Frances Hovanec Sabaliauskas, 70年
  • 詹姆斯·托马斯70年毕业,72年毕业


  • 奥黛丽·科萨克格雷格' 71硕士
  • 贾科莫·奥利瓦71年和75年毕业


  • 彼得·巴尔萨莫,72届,74届硕士
  • 辛西娅·利普雷·巴恩斯,72届
  • 杰西·布兰森1972年毕业
  • 乔安妮·道森·克利福德72年毕业,82年毕业
  • 帕特里克·麦吉尼斯,72年
  • Maria Ceres Schmidt, 72届,76届硕士