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Alumni Spotlight: Tahir Williams

Posted in: Career Services Spotlights, College News and Announcements, Student Success

Photo of alum Tahir Williams

塔希尔·威廉姆斯(Tahir Williams) 2018年毕业,获得时装研究文学学士学位,辅修商业和创业. So… what inspired him?

“I’ve always loved streetwear and street fashion.“Tahir参加了摄影入门课程,这门课程能够真正突出和展示街头时尚背后的勇气. “你怎么穿是一种声明,会在大众中引起争议, that’s what inspired me to fully pursue this career.”

Since he was 14, 他过去常常把衬衫和运动鞋搭配在一起,听别人的批评, “Oh you’re doing too much” or “Hmm.. that’s weird.对他的家人和朋友来说,他迈出的这些小步并不被视为“男子汉”或重要, but Tahir realized that to strangers… It meant something. It was breathtaking, beautiful and bold.

“In all honesty, 我只是想融入,但我认为唯一能做到的就是脱颖而出. 我从来没有停止过,也没有脱离过试图让自己看起来赏心悦目的趋势.塔希尔选择了时尚专业,希望能激励年轻男性对自己有同样的尊重和自信. Later on in his career, he discovered that in order to achieve this goal, 他必须对男装更有激情.

最初,塔希尔想进入商学院攻读零售管理专业. 虽然他努力学习了许多学期,成绩有所提高, dean’s lists, and advanced courses, he wasn’t accepted into the Business major due to his GPA, but that didn’t stop him.

He went to talk to Dr. Abby Lillethun, coordinator of the fashion studies department at the time, about the program and he laughed at himself, 意识到解决办法一直就在他面前. 他在校园里每天都要拍服装照,这让他臭名昭著,他喜欢在空闲时间研究设计师和他们的营销策略. 这一切都很有意义,完美的转变,完美的改变,完美的家.

在没有完全意识到这一点的情况下,接下来的一个学期,他就完全迷上了时尚. He participated in fashion shows as a model, designed his own garments for his apparel classes, and later down the road, he created his own streetwear brand. “我的品牌本身就告诉我,我有能力为自己创造一个名字. From there, 我真的很想了解生意的来龙去脉,并利用我在学校学到的东西来帮助我开自己的店.“他拿到创业证书后就直接去了,因为他很有创新精神,他相信自己可以在这个项目中蓬勃发展,这个项目的核心是与一个团队一起应对一个全新的市场,而是与其他学生一起, with a legitimate partnership.

While in college, 他在Against All Odds做了大约5年的季节工, moving from a Sales Associate up to Supervisor. Tahir wanted more. After some conversations, 他顺利过渡,确保在获得职位前几个月就开始承担主管的职责. “这个故事的寓意是:如果你想在这个行业中获得更高的地位,那么就尽可能地为小人物挺身而出, train yourself as if you already have it. Be the boss but be respectful.”

在“反对一切困难”公司工作期间,塔希尔自主经营自己的服装品牌“Taiwear”. “每一季都要推出服装,我觉得很累……我应该每年推出一个系列。. 间隔好送货日期,在社交媒体上保持一致,向顾客表达爱意. 如果你是一个真正的设计师,那就用心去设计. You want to network and listen to feedback but, 也要设计那些对你有吸引力的东西,这些东西本身就会打动别人. 制作你想要的东西,讲述你的故事,然后看看有多少人会与之产生共鸣.”

最近,他一直在拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)担任广告文案. “First of all, 从我的同事到我的经理,我只想说我真的爱这家公司, there is never a dull moment. Ralph Lauren has propelled me further into being a writer. We are doing a lot more than just writing product details, 我们给顾客一个故事,并以各种方式证明他们的购买是值得的.”

回顾他在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的教育, 他提到,他的学位本身就与众不同,很突出. “When I started in this industry, 人力资源部告诉我,大多数申请者都是商科或时尚营销专业的. 时尚研究是对整个时尚产业的创意过程和营销的一般理解. It was very broad.塔希尔必须解释他的专业是什么,正因为如此,他作为一名多元化的申请人在招聘人员中脱颖而出. “My degree got me recognized and my foot through the door, 剩下的是我内心的自信和积极.”

His advice for current students:

“Be the best at whatever you do. Focus on yourself, not what others are doing. 你不是在和任何人竞争,除了你自己,即使当你申请某个职位的时候感觉不是这样. 通常情况下,公司会让你与其他人竞争一个头衔,但不要这么想. 只要把它看成“我怎样才能在这周结束前在a、b或c方面做得更好??为自己设定这些目标,组建一个团队,看看你一个人也能完成什么.

对于我们的时尚研究、设计和营销专业的学生:“我对那些主修时尚、辅修商业的学生的建议是,记住你是时尚达人,所以在每件你不熟悉的事情上都要融入自己的风格和光芒. 很多商业课程对那些不专注于商业的人来说似乎很有挑战性. Once I reminded myself that the two went hand in hand, 我开始把商业课程中的每件事都和时尚联系起来. 人们经常告诉我,他们的专业和辅修并不相关,但是, as random as they may be to others, you can make them correlate to yourself. Everything you do will matter, don’t discredit yourselves.”


Written by Gabriela Zamora