Students working in lab equipment in a lab.

Graduate School Application Requirements

It is best for you to apply to programs that are at your competitive level, 以你的成绩来衡量, your GRE or other entrance examinations and your academic record. If your grades or test scores are not in the higher percentiles, you may not be admitted to the highest-ranked programs. This does not mean that you should not go to graduate school. It simply means you should find a program that is better suited to your academic ability. Make sure you are aware of admission requirements before submitting the application. Admission requirements are often posted on schools’ websites or can be learned by calling or emailing the school’s graduate admissions office.


Certain application material tend to be standard from program to program. 这些包括:

Some programs might also ask for supplementary material such as a writing sample, 投资组合, 简历或面试. Make sure you understand what is required and prepare accordingly.

Graduate School Essays (also known as Personal Statements)

When completing your application, you will likely be asked to submit an admissions essay. Of course, the essay will be about you in some way, but the topics may vary. 例如, law and medical schools often ask for a general personal statement. Business or other graduate schools are more likely to be specific in wanting to know why you chose a certain field, what you intend to do when you graduate and why you are applying to their school.

不管作文的题目是什么, keep in mind that the admissions committee members will want to know two things:

  1. Are you realistic about the field in general? 例如, the applicant that wants to earn a master’s in Social Work to “help rid the world of poverty,” or the education student who wants to “mold the minds of youth for the 21st “世纪”并不现实. Someone who does not have a clear view of their field of study is probably not very realistic about the demands and rigors of a graduate program. Most schools look for students who are aware of the challenges of graduate school.
  1. 你善于表达吗?? 你写得好吗?? Graduate schools want students who can express themselves in an intelligent way, 使用正确的逻辑, form, 语法和标点符号. The essay is important not only for what you write but for how you write it. If the directions say to write your essay in a specific place on the application, 用那个地方,只用那个地方.  Even if the directions allow you to attach additional paper to continue your essay, think carefully about extending your statement. 招生 committees must read hundreds of essays. 你的简历越简洁越好.


测试的名字 入学要求
GRE普通考试 大师 & 文科博士课程 & 科学
GRE科目考试  大师 & 文科博士课程 & 科学
 大师 & 文科博士课程 & 科学
G垫考试  大师 & Doctoral programs in management and business (MBA)
考试  法学院
称MCAT 医学院校


Most graduate schools require letters of recommendation. These will generally be sent to the graduate admissions office either by you (as part of your application) or directly by the people who write them. Choose people who know you and your work, not acquaintances such as friends of your parents, 不管他们有多大的影响力. Members of the clergy or physicians are usually not strong references, even though they may have known you for a long time.


  • Know what kind of student you are and how you work in an academic setting.
  • Be familiar with graduate schools in general and specifically the one to which you are applying.
  • Work with many students and will be able to compare you favorably to them.
  • Be articulate and have excellent written 沟通技巧.
  • Think highly of you and be willing to put that opinion on paper.

You most likely will not know many people that meet all of these criteria, but you can choose people that come close. Pick people who can attest to the kind of student you are. If you are returning to school after having worked, you may not be able to contact any professors who can address your performance as a student. In that case, graduate schools may accept the recommendation of your employer or a previous employer.

Once you have decided whom to ask for recommendations, 和他们谈谈给你一个好的, 有意义的参考. If they are not exactly sure what to say about you, give suggestions; remind them of a special project you did, 你解决的问题, a good grade they gave you in a course or anything else that would indicate you will be a successful graduate student. You should also give them a list of your completed coursework and a copy of your resume.

在一般情况下, references should address your academic skills, 沟通技巧, 成熟, 智力和动机. Ask for reference letters early in the fall of your senior year before many other students have thought of it. If the people who write letters are to mail them directly to the graduate schools, 一定要给他们提供地址, 出于礼貌在信封上贴上邮票. 然后确保他们真的寄出去了!


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