Student shaking hands with employer

Handshake Profile

Make Your Profile Work For You!

完成个人资料的学生在Handshake上被招聘人员联系的可能性要高出5倍.  Additionally, 个人资料中的信息可以帮助你获得最相关的工作推荐, 并帮助雇主在他们的候选人搜索中找到你.


The quickest way to complete your profile 是使用简历自动上传功能直接从你的简历中提取信息吗. 检查提取的信息并确认其准确且格式正确.

一份完整的个人资料可以让你展示你作为学生和专业人士的形象.  A complete profile includes:

Name and Headshot
  • 你的名字,以及一些学术信息,已经为你填好了. Check to make sure everything is correct.
  • 当有照片时,个人资料被浏览的可能性增加了7倍. Your photo doesn’t have to be fancy, as long as it’s current, professional, and simple (no busy background).
Your Journey
  • Think of this as your elevator pitch.  利用这个空间展示你的目标、兴趣和激励你的因素.
  • Include all relevant education information, such as program of study, degree, expected graduation year, and GPA.
    • It is up to you whether or not to hide your GPA.  我们的建议是,如果你的平均绩点是3分,就显示出来.0 or higher.  注意,有些雇主会要求你达到最低GPA才能申请职位.  隐藏你的GPA并不会使你无法申请这些职位, as long as you meet the minimum requirement.
  • 如果你在国外学习期间转学和/或进入了另一所大学, 一定要包括这些人的教育信息!
Work Experience
  • Highlight your work and volunteer work.  不要羞于列出兼职工作、志愿者工作或季节性工作经验.  通常这些类型的职位可以帮助你完善你的 career competencies 以及软技能,如沟通、专业、批判性思维等.
  • 按照时间倒序来组织你的经历,就像写简历一样.  这意味着你最近的工作经历应该列在最上面,最近的工作经历应该列在最下面.
  • Use strong action verbs, be specific, and quantify experiences whenever possible, and focus on the skills.  当讨论你已经完成的动作时,不要忘记使用这些动词的过去式. Here are a few examples of action verbs:
adapt administer analyze
approve arrange compile
coordinate conceive conduct
control create develop
demonstrate design determine
direct earn edit
establish expand expedite
generate increase initiate
increase innovate improve
instruct maintain motivate
negotiate originate promote
produce recognize reduce
revamp research revise
simplify solve support
Organizations and Extracurriculars

  • 包括你参加过的任何组织和课外活动, such as student organizations, greek life, clubs, athletic teams, service trips and musical ensembles.  参与这些活动可以展示领导力和协作等可转移技能
  • 记住,雇主可能不知道一个组织或它的缩写.  一定要拼出组织的全名,包括组织的描述以及你的具体参与.  例如,在您的个人资料的这一部分使用“学生政府协会”而不是“SGA”.
Courses and Projects
  • If you have little to no work experience, 一定要花更多的时间来完成你个人资料的这一部分.
  • 添加与特定研究领域或行业相一致的课程.  利用这一部分告诉雇主你通过学习获得的硬技能, such as technical, analytical, project management, presentation, and marketing skills.
  • Include any projects that showcase your work, including a portfolio,writing samples, websites you created, hackathons, case competitions, publications,presentations or class projects.
  • 在个人资料中添加技能很重要,也很容易做到.  Employers can search for candidates by skills. 如果你公开你的个人资料,雇主可能会联系你,如果你符合他们正在寻找的技能
  • 要么输入一个技能,要么选择一些建议的技能. 加上语言技能、技术技能和你持有的任何证书.  But always be honest; if you do not possess a desired skill yet, then do not list it.
Career Interests
  • In this section, 说明你目前是否在找工作或实习, and list the types you would consider (i.e. part-time, full-time, on-campus). Also, add specific information about location, 职位和行业,如果你限制了你的求职范围
    to certain cities, positions or fields.
  • Note: If your profile is visible to employers, interests are not listed on your profile, however, 雇主可以使用基于位置兴趣的高级搜索过滤器, Job Role Interests, Job Seeking Interests, 和求职网站,帮助他们与候选人建立联系.
  • 根据需要选择(或取消选择)每个部分中的复选框,然后单击 Save My Career Interests in the lower-right corner of the screen.
    Handshake Career Interests Page

Public vs. Private Profile

登录到Handshake后,您将被提示从三个隐私选项中进行选择. 您可以通过导航到设置来更改您的隐私选择 & Privacy section of your account.

Community: 对所有握手学校的其他学生和校友可见, 以及十大博彩推荐排名州立大学批准的雇主. 此选项将允许您访问对等消息传递. 你在“握手”中看到的任何学生或校友,在他们的个人资料上都有一个“消息”按钮,这表明他们愿意与你建立联系.


Employers: 这个选项将使你被十大博彩推荐排名州立大学批准的雇主看到. You will not have access to Peer Messaging. 雇主们每个月都要搜索超过25000个像你这样的候选人!  你需要将你的个人资料设置为“雇主”或“社区”,以便你的个人资料出现在这些搜索中.


Private: 你的个人资料不会被其他学生、校友或雇主看到. 你仍然有机会获得“握手”工作、实习机会和其他资源.

How Complete is Complete?

Handshake提供了一个带有彩色进度条的“配置文件完成级别”. As you add content to your profile, 您的个人资料完成将进行,并将改变栏的颜色, starting from red.

但如果你的个人资料进度条没有满,也不要气馁. 即使添加了上述内容-一个工作经验, an organization or activity, and one skill, the bar will not say your profile is complete.  随着经验的积累和职业目标的发展,一定要不断更新你的个人资料!

登录到握手,开始你的个人资料. Let people know who you are and what you can do!

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