physics research simulation


Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center
CESAC is a public research and technical assistance center. 的 Center was established to identify, quantify and interpret the ramifications of clean energy development and to facilitate energy planning. We support clean energy policies, technology and practices through research and education programs. Our clean energy analysis process intends to provide long-term environmental and economic solutions in a sustainable energy economy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 研究 Laboratory
student working in microscopy suite
的 Microscopy and Microanalysis 研究 Laboratory provides basic to advanced training in all aspects of TEM and SEM. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) uses a particle beam of electrons through specimens to generate a highly-magnified visualization. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) produces images of a sample by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons. We cover the full process from specimen preparation to tissue thick/thin sectioning.
New Jersey Center for Water Science and Technology
student in lake collecting samples
的 New Jersey Center for Water Science and Technology (NJ CWST) is dedicated to the study of water quality, pollution and technological solutions. Our dedicated team researches, 监控, and aids in the management of New Jersey’s lakes, 河流, 水库, 和其他水体. 的 Passaic River Institute (PRI), 新泽西CWST的一个分支, furthers environmental research and education while seeking solutions for environmental problems within the Passaic River basin of Northern New Jersey. 研究 projects include the study of contaminant biological uptake, 区域的毒性, 污染物的命运, 运输, distribution and ecosystem degradation and restoration.
Professional 资源 in Science and 数学
Ava Carrco reading to class
Professional 资源 in Science and 数学 (PRISM) focuses on improving science, mathematics and technology teaching for all children. We work to accomplish this while ensuring we remain in alignment with state and national standards. We collaborate with a diverse group of people, 专业知识, districts and curriculum materials while utilizing inquiry-centered and problem-solving teaching styles. 棱镜计划在 Bristol-Myers Squibb Center for Science Teaching and Learning. In the Center, we have implemented several large-scale reform projects. 这包括e-CUSP, a project funded by the US and NJ Departments of Education Math-Science Partnerships Program.
PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies
PSEG Green Team visiting company
的 PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies (ISS) at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学 plays a transformative role in transdisciplinary research and education. Through the Institute, we address the relevant sustainability issues of our time. 的 Institute advances sustainability by developing community-engaged research projects and building educational programs through academic-corporate-public partnerships.
的 Sokol Institute for Pharmaceutical Life Sciences
researcher holding viles
的 Margaret and Herman Sokol Institute for Pharmaceutical Life Sciences was established by the College in 2007. It was created to rapidly advance the skills, approaches and research critical to developing solutions to tomorrow’s global health issues.