Red Hawk Statue


Through our 早期大学学者计划, academically ambitious high school students have an exciting opportunity to complement high school study with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 coursework. 获得可转换的大学学分, 与大学生一起学习, and engage in courses taught by University professors on campus or online. Participants of our 早期大学学者计划 can choose from a variety of undergraduate courses during the fall, spring, and summer terms.

How to Apply

Anthropology Class

Tuition and Fees

Get a head start on college courses with a discounted tuition rate for both in-state and out-of-state Early College students!

  • Summer 2024 Cost: $825.每3学分课程$275.00 per credit)
  • Fall 2024 Cost: $825.每3学分课程$275.00 per credit)


There is no fee at the time of application for Early College Scholars applicants.

No, you do not have to reside in New Jersey to apply to the 早期大学学者计划.

All credits taken with the 早期大学学者计划 at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 will transfer to a 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 degree.  其他机构, we recommend you contact that college/university directly and that you review their transfer policy when choosing which Early College course(s) to take.

View the Academic Calendar 学期开始和结束日期.

Can I apply for financial aid/scholarships?
High school students are not eligible for financial aid and we do not offer scholarships at this time for Early College Scholars participants, but we do offer discounted tuition for Early College Program students!

When will I be notified if I am accepted?
Completed applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, but please keep the 申请的最后期限 in mind.

Suggested Courses

College of the Arts

  • ARAN 190 -视觉艺术导论
  • ARFD 101 – Surface
  • ARFD 103 – Color and Light
  • ARFD 104 – Space
  • ARPH 201 -数码摄影及影像
  • ARPM 262 – Screen Printing
  • ARTX 221 -纺织品的消费者问题
  • CMST 101 – Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement
  • CMST 102 -语音和语言改善
  • CMST 110 – Introduction to Communication and Media
  • CMST 227 -电视及文化
  • CRTH 151 – Creative Thinking
  • DNCE 100 -芭蕾概论(非专业)
  • DNCE 105 -舞蹈欣赏
  • DNCE 110 – Introduction to Modern Dance (Non-Major)
  • DNCE 145 – Worlds of Dance
  • FMTV 101 – History and Development of Film and Television
  • FMTV 204 – Film Forum
  • FMTV 210 – Story Analysis and Introduction to Screenwriting
  • MUGN 100 -音乐概论
  • MUGN 109 ——爵士乐概论
  • MUGN 120 -说唱和摇滚作为文化现象
  • MUGN 136 ——《百老汇的历史
  • MUGN 152 – Music in Film
  • MUGN 160 -音乐概论 in World Cultures
  • MUPR 100 -非音乐专业钢琴班
  • MUPR 103 -非音乐专业的声乐班
  • STCM 130 – Fundamentals of Public Relations and Advertising
  • THTR 100 – Introduction to the Theatrical Medium
  • THTR 105 – Acting I
  • THTR 155 – Stage Management
  • THTR 175 – Theatre in Performance (fees for off-campus trips)
  • VIST 102 – Visual Culture
  • VIST 105 – Global Foundations in Art and Visual Culture
  • VIST 106 ——《现代展望》1400-1945
School of Business
  • ECON 101 -应用宏观经济学
  • ECON 102 -应用微观经济学
  • ECON 215 -社会问题经济学
  • FINC 209 – Personal Finance
  • HSET 198 - HSET行业展望
  • HSET 208 ——社会休闲娱乐
  • INFO 173 – Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions
  • ATTR 150 -运动训练中的紧急护理
  • EXSC 151 – Yoga, Relaxation and Stress Reduction
  • FSHD 120 – Mindfulness: Theory, Research and Practice across the Life Course
  • FSHD 140 – Family in Society
  • FSHD 141 -人际关系
  • FSHD 200 – Introduction to the Content Areas in Family Science and Human Development
  • FSHD 214 -儿童发展I
  • HLTH 101 -个人健康问题
  • HLTH 102 -公共卫生概论
  • HPEM 150 – Principles and Practice of Emergency Care
  • NUFD 130 – Introduction to Nutrition and Food Science Profession
  • NUFD 150 – Food Composition and Scientific Preparation
  • NUFD 153 -食品与社会动态
  • NUFD 182 – Nutrition: A Socioecological Perspective
  • PEGN 200 – Beginning Swimming
  • PEGN 230 -个性化健身
  • PEGN 251 – Fitness for Life
  • PEGN 257 -重量训练和调节
  • PEGN 258 – Beginning Tennis
  • PEGN 262 – Volleyball
  • PEGN 264 – Soccer
  • PEGN 265 – Figure Skating
  • PEGN 266 – Skiing
  • PEGN 271 – Social Dance
  • PEGN 275 – Beginning Karate
  • PEGN 278 – Yoga
  • PEMJ 131 – Fitness Activities
College for Education and Engaged Learning
  • EDFD 180 – Foundations of Education: Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts
  • READ 209 – Children’s Literature for a Multicultural Society
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • AFAM 100 -黑人研究导论
  • ANTH 100 -文化人类学
  • ANTH 101 -体质人类学
  • ANTH 102 -语言人类学
  • ANTH 103 -考古学概论
  • ANTH 105 – Introduction to Disability Studies, Rights, and Culture
  • ANTH 110 – Anthropology of Multicultural America
  • ANTH 115 -中东文化
  • ANTH 120 ——北美原住民
  • ANTH 125 ——全球化人类学
  • ANTH 130 -南亚文化
  • ANTH 135 – Anthropology of Conflict and Violence
  • ANTH 140 – Non-Western Contributions to the Western World
  • ANTH 150 -拉丁美洲文化
  • ANTH 160 ——《种族人类学
  • ANTH 165 – Human Culture in Biodiversity Conservation
  • ANTH 180 – Health and Healing in Cross Cultural Perspective
  • ARAB 101 ——开始阿拉伯语I
  • ARAB 112 -初级阿拉伯语II
  • ARAB 185 -阿拉伯世界与宗教
  • ARIN 180 – Arab Americans: Before and After 9/11
  • ARIN 193 -阿拉伯文化概论
  • CHAD 100 -儿童权益宣传简介
  • CHEN 210 – Contemporary Chinese Cinema and Society
  • CHIN 101 -初级汉语I
  • CSND 100 – Fields of Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • ENFL 208 ——影片简介
  • ENGL 116 – World Literature: The Coming of Age Theme
  • ENGL 117 – World Literature: Voices of Tradition and Challenge
  • FREN 101 – Beginning French I
  • FREN 112 -初级法语II
  • FREN 121 -中级法语
  • FREN 132 -中级法语II
  • FREN 202 ——十七世纪的法国戏剧
  • FREN 211 ——18世纪的法国戏剧
  • FREN 283 – Introduction to Women Authors of French-Speaking Africa
  • FRIN 288 – Music and Art in French Civilization
  • GERM 101 ——开始德语I
  • GERM 102 -初级德语II
  • GERM 115 -强化初级德语
  • GERM 142 -练习书面德语
  • GLQS 100 – Introduction to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (GLBTQ) Studies
  • GREK 101 – Beginning Greek I
  • GREK 201 -中级希腊语I
  • GREK 202 中级希腊语II
  • GRIN 250 – Special Topics in German Literature and Culture
  • GSWS 102 – Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
  • HEBR 101 – Beginning Hebrew I
  • HIST 103 ——西方文明的基础
  • HIST 105 – Emergence of European Civilization, 1500-1914
  • HIST 106 – Contemporary Europe, 1914 to the Present
  • HIST 108 – Introduction to African Civilization
  • HIST 110 ——美国研究导论
  • HIST 112 – Introduction to the Modern Middle East
  • HIST 114 ——早期拉丁美洲
  • HIST 116 ——现代拉丁美洲
  • HIST 117 – History of the United States to 1876
  • HIST 118 – History of the United States Since 1876
  • HIST 138 ——现代南亚概论
  • HIST 141 – Introduction to World History Since 1500
  • HIST 205 – Race and Ethnicity in United States History
  • HIST 212 -美国社会史
  • HUMN 115 ——特洛伊和特洛伊战争
  • HUMN 151 -研讨会:人文探究
  • HUMN 181 – Introduction to Classical Archaeology
  • HUMN 182 -英语词汇古典词根
  • HUMN 209 ——《希腊罗马宗教概论
  • HUMN 211 -古典主义与美国文化
  • HUMN 217 -阅读亚洲文化
  • HUMN 220 – Celtic Mythology
  • HUMN 221 – Viking Mythology
  • HUMN 230 -电影中的古希腊和罗马
  • HUMN 281 – Greek Civilization
  • HUMN 282 – Roman Civilization
  • HUMN 283 – Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
  • HUMN 285 – Mythology
  • HUMN 288 – Mythic Traditions
  • INTL 100 -全球问题导论
  • ITAL 101 – Italian I
  • ITAL 102 – Italian II
  • ITAL 140 -综合意大利语III和IV
  • ITAL 176 – The Italian American Experience: On the Margins or in the Mainstream?
  • JAPN 101 ——初级日语I
  • JUST 101 – Criminology
  • JUST 102 ——刑事司法概论
  • JUST 103 – Introduction to International Justice
  • JUST 199 -新生讲座
  • JUST 223 -司法研究中的民族志
  • JUST 230 – Family Violence
  • JUST 250 -警务工作的当前问题
  • KORE 101 – Beginning Korean I
  • LALS 201 -对拉丁美洲的看法
  • LALS 205 – Image and Identity: Representation of Latin American Women in Film and Fiction
  • LATN 101 – Beginning Latin I
  • LATN 150 -强化初级拉丁语
  • LATN 205 -中级拉丁语I
  • LATN 206 -中级拉丁语II
  • LAWS 200 -法律概论
  • MEDH 101 – Introduction to the Medical Humanities
  • POLS 100 ——政治概论
  • POLS 101 ——《美国政府与政治
  • POLS 104 – International Security and Diplomacy
  • POLS 201 -比较政治学
  • POLS 202 -国际关系
  • POLS 203 -国际组织
  • POLS 205 – Introduction to Public Administration
  • POLS 214 – Women in Politics
  • POLS 215 ——美国的种族政治
  • PORT 101 -初级葡萄牙语I
  • PORT 102 -初级葡萄牙语II
  • PSYC 101 ——心理学概论
  • RELG 100 -世界宗教
  • RELG 101 -了解宗教
  • RELG 102 – Religious Ethics
  • RUIN 190 – Post-Soviet Culture, Literature, and Politics
  • RUIN 193 ——俄罗斯的文化和文明
  • RUIN 194 ——伟大的俄国小说
  • RUIN 260 – Special Topics in Russian Culture and Civilization
  • RUIN 297 ——俄国文学中的女性
  • RUSS 101 ——初级俄语I
  • RUSS 132 – Spoken and Written Language Practice
  • SOCI 100 ——社会学概论
  • SOCI 102 -种族和民族关系
  • SOCI 104 ——《家庭社会学
  • SOCI 106 -个人与社会
  • SOCI 107 – Youth and Society
  • SOCI 113 – Social Problems
  • SOWK 110 -社会工作概论
  • SPAN 101 – Spanish I
  • SPAN 102 – Spanish II
  • SPAN 103 – Spanish III
  • SPAN 104 – Spanish IV
  • SPAN 105 -卫生从业人员西班牙语1
  • SPAN 106 -卫生从业人员西班牙语2
  • SPAN 107 -卫生从业人员西班牙语2I
  • SPAN 110 – Practical Spanish for Law Enforcement Personnel
  • SPAN 135 -面向传统学习者的基础西班牙语
  • SPAN 145 – Spanish Language Review Through Literature, Culture and Film
  • SPAN 221 -商务西班牙语
  • SPAN 236 -中级西班牙语会话
  • SPAN 241 -西班牙语语法基础
  • SPAN 242 -西班牙语写作与文体学
  • URHS 101 -城市人文导论
  • WRIT 105 – College Writing I (recommended for students entering or in their senior year)
  • AMAT 120 -应用微积分A
  • AMAT 220 – Applied Calculus B
  • AMAT 240 -线性代数入门
  • BIOL 100 -生物科学
  • BIOL 110 ——《人类生命的生物学
  • BIOL 112 -生物学原理1
  • BIOL 113 -生物学原理2
  • CHEM 100 -化学入门
  • CHEM 113 -化学基础
  • CHEM 120 -普通化学I
  • CHEM 121 -普通化学II
  • CSIT 100 -计算机概念概论
  • CSIT 104 - Python编程I
  • CSIT 105 -计算机荣誉研讨会
  • EAES 100 -地理原理
  • EAES 101 – Planet Earth
  • EAES 104 – Natural Disasters
  • EAES 105 – Physical Geology
  • EAES 107 -地球与环境
  • EAES 150 -一般海洋学
  • EAES 160 -人类环境
  • EAES 161 – Human Geography
  • EAES 170 – World Geography
  • MATH 100 – Math for Business and Social Sciences
  • MATH 106 – Creative Thinking through Mathematics
  • MATH 111 – Precalculus
  • MATH 122 – Calculus 1
  • PHYS 180 -人人都喜欢的天文学
  • PHYS 191 -大学物理1
  • PHYS 192 -大学物理2
  • PHYS 193 – College Physics 1
  • PHYS 194 – College Physics 2
  • STAT 103 ——统计学的发展
  • STAT 109 – Statistics
  • STAT 230 -数据科学与统计