Resources and Partnerships

Helpful Resources for Starting Out

If you are thinking about starting your own business and/or growing an existing business, we are 在这里 to help you on the path to entrepreneurship. Please visit the links below, w在这里 we’ve curated some helpful resources for starting out:

Starting a Business in New Jersey:

As a first step, visit the State of New Jersey Business Portal. Here  you will find helpful information on:

不是在新泽西? Find Your State Business Resources.

Starting a Non-Profit in New Jersey? 请查看 State of NJ’s 501(c)3 Step-by-Step Process.


无论你是计划在线筹款还是考虑贷款,都有很多选择 为你的新业务融资. The following organizations have the ability to offer loans, 为许多无法获得传统融资的小企业提供信贷额度或其他融资选择;

  • CBAC 合作商业援助公司(CBAC)是一个非营利性的社区贷款组织. 这家小额贷款机构创建于1987年,旨在鼓励新泽西州南部和费城小企业的发展和稳定.
  • 追求: This company is focused on providing small businesses in New Jersey, 纽约, and Pennsylvania with affordable loans. Explore their 15+ small business loan programs.
  • New Jersey Community Capital:一家非营利的社区发展金融机构,为新泽西州服务不足的社区提供创新的融资和技术援助.
  • RBAC区域商业援助公司是一家非营利性社区发展金融机构, 疾病预防控制中心, and SBA lender servicing all of New Jersey and most areas in NY and Pennsylvania. 当小企业无法通过传统贷款渠道获得资金时,RBAC致力于帮助服务不足的人群和社区.
  • UCEDC:一家私营的非营利性社区发展金融机构,通过向新泽西州的新老企业提供金融和技术援助来促进经济增长, with emphasis on benefiting under-served people and communities.
  • IFundWomen: go-to marketplace for women-owned businesses and the people who want to fund them. They offer immediate access to capital through a premium online fundraising experience, access to small business grants from corporate partners, expert business coaching on all the topics entrepreneurs need to know about, and a network of women business owners that sparks confidence, accelerates knowledge and ignites action.
  • 涨潮资本: 涨潮资本 provides business development services designed to transform lives by helping individuals start and grow successful businesses; build communities through collaborations with other non-profits, higher education institutions, 公司, and public agencies; and create a scalable program model with measurable impact which can be replicated in communities of need across the U.S.
  • 宿舍基金: A student-run venture fund backed by First Round. 宿舍基金投资的创业公司,其创始团队中至少有一人是学生(本科生或研究生)。. 也可以查看他们的 rolling application for student startups.
  • Y Combinator: Y Combinator provides seed funding for startups. Their goal is to get entrepreneurs through the first phase of funding, when entrepreneurs have built something impressive enough to raise money on a larger scale. 应用在这里.
  • 海洋冒险一种新型的风险投资公司:一个由早期投资者和导师组成的团队,专注于为纽约的科技初创企业提供成功所需的实际支持.
  • Kickstarter:自2009年推出以来, 1900万人 支持过一个项目, $5.30亿年 已被承诺,和 188,320 projects have been successfully funded through Kickstarter.


Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that 导师hip is key to success. Starting a business alone is an uphill battle, 因此,我们提供了一些资源,在那里你可以找到开始你的旅程的动力和指导.

  • Find A Mentor Through FCE+I:费利西亚诺创业与创新中心拥有一个由精心策划的主题专家组成的强大网络,随时准备帮助企业家开始和发展他们的业务.
  • New Jersey Small Business Development CentersNJSBDC在新泽西州有12个中心和20多个高等教育附属办事处和卫星点. 当地顾问为小企业提供免费的咨询服务,以最大限度地提高增长机会.
  • 分数: nation’s largest network of volunteer, 专业的商业导师, dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals. 分数 provides a wide range of services to established and budding business owners alike, 包括:指导, webinars and on-demand courses, online resources and local events.


When entrepreneurs inevitably hit a roadblock, it is important to connect with community for help. Here are some resources for small business owners who identify as Women, LGBT and POC:

  • Women’s Center for 创业 NJ当前位置妇女创业中心是一个专门为女企业家和小企业主提供多层次商业教育的组织,使她们能够建立成功的企业来支持她们的家庭, 社区与激情.
  • LAEDA Women’s Business Center:世界银行认识到,女性企业家在创办和经营小企业以及获得资金方面面临着独特的障碍. WBC通过为有志于创业的有志于创业的现有女性企业主提供帮助,打开了机会之门, 通过获得必要的资源,包括优质的金融和商业教育,来加强或扩大业务.
  • African American Chamber of Commerce NJ: AACCNJ致力于通过新泽西州的创业和资本主义倡议,在经济上赋予非裔美国人社区和企业权力和可持续发展.
  • Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce NJSHCCNJ通过网络和相互支持,帮助会员(包括西班牙裔和非西班牙裔)找到扩大的商业机会,促进新泽西州商业的持续增长和发展.
  • Asian Indian Chamber of CommerceAICC 已经发展到满足亚洲印度商界对企业家领导力的需求. It organizes and supports business expos, 非营利性文化活动, business and educational symposiums and humanitarian causes.
  • New Jersey Chinese-American Chamber of Commercenjacc是一个非营利性、无党派组织,致力于促进会员之间的商业往来, 主要帮助中国和其他亚裔美国企业融入美国经济,促进美中贸易.
  • 新泽西州LGBT商会: NJ LGBT Chamber is the bridge to connect with New Jersey’s LGBT, 友好的, and allied business community. 他们是新泽西州首屈一指的LGBT商业组织,致力于加强新泽西州三州地区的LGBT商业.


访问 十大博彩推荐排名的企业家 MeetUp 参加与真正的企业家进行的对话和虚拟活动,了解更多关于他们成功(或不太成功)创业背后的故事,以及他们在此过程中学到的东西!


Before starting your own business, a good step could be to intern with another company first. 以下资源将帮助你探索你的选择,找到符合你职业目标的实习:


Entrepreneurs and small businesses struggling with COVID-19 issues can find helpful resources 在这里. The NJSBDC has also created the # NJThrives 小企业主可以分享他们在大流行期间如何转型的成功故事.



费利西亚诺中心培养了一种现实世界的创业体验,让学生们产生创造性的想法, develop them and ultimately pitch them to a panel of professionals. We have cultivated an inclusive and diverse entrepreneurial community of founders, 投资者, professional service providers, 教师, 导师, 以及, former and current students. Whether our students need assistance protecting IP or programming their app, we have the ability to engage our external partners, 导师, 客座讲师, 驻校企业家和评委,帮助指导我们的创业学生实现他们的梦想.

Are you interested in becoming a partner? T在这里 are many ways to become involved:

  • 成为导师: Do you have a specific business expertise to share? Are you interested in mentoring a team of students for a semester? 十大博彩推荐排名 about all the ways to mentor our students.
  • 参加活动: In addition to our major events throughout the year like Women 创业 Week – we also feature a wide variety of virtual events throughout the year. Learn about upcoming events by joining our Meetup group, 十大博彩推荐排名的企业家.
  • 赞助一项活动: If you’d like information about how to be a sponsor for one of our events, please 十大博彩推荐排名.
  • 支持中心: Your gift helps us develop resources and programs that enrich the lives of students, 以及 members of our larger community of entrepreneurs. 制作礼物.
