

大学的邮政系统只接收与商业有关的邮件和/或包裹. 所有透过邮政服务投寄的邮件均须收费.

Please use the tabs below to navigate the services that are available to offices, 部门, 教师, 以及校园里的工作人员.


大学的邮件系统只接收与业务有关的邮件和/或包裹. Outgoing personal mail without a postage stamp already applied will not be picked up. 所有透过邮政服务投寄的邮件,均须向各部门收费.


  • 在职教职工;
  • 学生服务处认可的学生组织


  • 必须从事合法的大学业务;
  • 声明的业务必须符合大学的利益和利益;
  • 被分配一个部门/单位/组织的退款账号

Prior to pick-up, 部门 should sort and prepare all outgoing mail as follows:

  • 独立的办公室间邮件,国内邮件,国际邮件和隔夜邮件
  • Separate mail and parcels by size and special services such as Certified and 特快专递.
  • 用橡皮筋捆扎十封或十封以上的邮件.
  • 如邮件数量达200件或以上,请联络香港邮政.

The department will receive a monthly record for postage charged to the department. 打电话给拉文·布罗克斯顿,邮政主管,地址是 973-655-6834 如有不符之处.


Mailing permits are used as an alternative to affixing stamps to envelopes or postcards as a means to pay postage. Using a permit is only permissible when sending a “mailing” and not intended for use when sending individual envelopes and postcards.
美国邮政服务公司拥有一个美国邮政总局.S. 一般大学使用的邮政服务邮寄许可证. We do not, however, keep money on deposit to cover the postage cost when the permit is used.


  • 许可邮件必须包含至少200件相同的邮件.
  • 必须使用适当的标志格式,包括许可证号码.
  • 邮件服务在使用许可证时应通过电话通知.
  • 所有许可证的邮寄必须存放在十大博彩推荐排名大学.S. 邮局.
  • 合适的U.S. 邮寄时必须附上邮政服务邮寄表格.
  • The mailer must be prepared to pay the full cost of postage when the mailing is brought to the U.S. 邮局.

Note – 邮政服务 is not responsible for any money paid in excess of the actual cost of postage, 邮政局可在许可证编号下存放的资料.


商业回复邮件 enables correspondents to return a written reply without having to pay postage. 收件人只需为退回的邮件支付邮资. Using 商业回复邮件 requires all envelopes and postcards to be printed in compliance with standards set by the U.S. 邮政服务. Consult 邮政服务 for detailed information on postage fees and printing requirements.


Nonprofit bulk mail is the most inexpensive method for mailing domestic non-first class material.


  • At least 200 identical pieces of non-first class material each weighing less than 16 oz.
  • 邮件按指定的邮政编码分类
  • 邮寄寄存于十大博彩推荐排名大学.S. 邮局
  • 合适的U.S. 邮政服务表格必须填妥并随邮寄
  • 非营利性邮件必须来自十大博彩推荐排名州立大学

Mailings that are processed by 邮政服务 must be received presorted to the specified zip code categories as required by the U.S. 邮政服务. 邮寄前,请先送交香港邮政处理, the department should speak with the 邮政服务’ Supervisor for zip code sorting instructions. 不像其他类型的外发邮件, nonprofit bulk mailings received at 邮政服务 are not immediately processed. 然而, 我们尽一切努力在五个工作日内处理这些邮件, 之后的邮件将被优先处理.


Business Reply and Short Paid Mail requires postage before delivery can be made to the 大学. All such mail is processed through the 欠资邮件 system which is maintained by 邮政服务. The required postage is charged to 邮政服务’ Postage Due account with the U.S. 邮政服务. Mail is then distributed and postage is billed to the receiving 部门 through the 大学’s Financial System.


根据您的邮寄需要选择服务类型. 尺寸、形状、重量和邮政编码信息准备好了吗. 查找邮政编码

计算国内 & 国际邮费


美国邮政服务 所有差饷及费用.



校园有四条路线,每天两班. The first run is for pick-up/delivery; the second run is for pick-up only.
每天上午11点开始取货/送货路线.m. 所有的大楼和部门都在第一次运行.

下午的接机路线从下午3点开始.m. 只有以下楼宇提供服务:

  • 大学大厅
  • 忽视

即将离任的信件, 公寓, and packages picked up on the first and second runs will leave the campus that day. 从上次运行开始,只有快件将在同一天处理. Time of arrival depends on the route schedule and the amount of mail each carrier has on the route. The carrier may pick up large mailings at each run; however, 邮件车的大小可能会限制要处理的数量. For assured pick-up of large mailings, advise your courier in advance or call for a special pick up.

Outbound mail collected during the day is processed for delivery to the 美国邮政服务 at 3:30 p.m. If you miss the cutoff time, your material will be sent out the next business day.


下列部门可提供即日特快专递服务, 所有其他部门均提供翌日跨部门邮件服务:

  • 财务副总裁
  • 招生主任
  • 财务会计署署长
  • 大学发展副主席
  • 研究生院院长
  • 注册主任
  • 工资部主管
  • 采购服务总监
  • 总统办公室
  • 住宿生活主任
  • 负责学生发展和十大博彩推荐排名的副总裁
  • 大学设施副校长
  • 人力资源副总裁
  • 合规总监


Special 交付 服务s will be delivered to the following buildings and 部门 on the second run. 如果在其他时间收到包裹, it will be delivered as quickly as possible or the department will be informed when the package is received. 如果日程安排有问题,这些物品是可以取的.


  • 学院大厅取货和送货
    • 10:30 a.m.
    • 3:00 p.m.
  • 忽略取件和派送
    • 11:00 a.m.
    • 3:30 p.m.


邮政服务处理下列快递公司的校园快递:联邦快递, 联合包裹, DHL, TNT快递, Lasership, 闪电, 以及所有货运部门. Packages are delivered to 邮政服务 and then distributed to 部门 on campus.

当期待货运时, please notify 邮政服务 in advance so that proper delivery instructions can be arranged prior to the shipment arriving on campus.

It is important that all packages are addressed to the department that the delivery goes to, 即使商品是由不同部门订购的.

首先尝试向部门交付. 如果没有人有空,包裹将被送到院长办公室.




邮政服务 does not have accounts with each carrier to ship packages for 部门 on campus. The individual/department must make the necessary payment arrangements with the carrier.

When individuals/部门 have outgoing packages to be shipped by any of the carriers listed above, they must contact 邮政服务 and request a pick up so the package can be shipped from our office. 邮政部门必须接收所有发出的邮件 联邦快递快递 包裹不迟于下午三点.m. 如需当天发货.

Items sent to 邮政服务 for metering should be packaged carefully to avoid damage in transit. Proper mailing containers are available through 大学 邮政服务 by calling 973-655-6834 或者问问你的路线司机.

按服务类别分离邮件也很重要. 外向的你.S. 邮件应与校园内部邮件分开. 国际邮件应该和国内邮件分开.

邮政服务 does not charge a fee to 部门 for metering outgoing letter mail; units are charged for actual postage.


  • 所有校园邮件应装在可重复使用的办公室间信封中, 不要用白色或一等信封.
  • 这将降低校园邮件的成本, 防止延误处理, and eliminate the possibility of campus mail being inadvertently metered and mailed out.
    • 降低成本——因为信封可以重复使用几次.
    • Saving staff time – interdepartmental envelopes are designed to be handwritten rather than typed.
    • 减少纸张垃圾,因为这些信封被设计为可多次使用.
    • Reduces the possibility of postage error – Use of interdepartmental envelopes reduces the chance of wasted postage.
  • 使用办公室间信封时要格外小心, taking care that all previous markings have been crossed out to ensure proper handling to the intended recipient.
  • The addressee is always to appear on the last line, do not address between previous markings.
  • 如果保密是一个因素, 把材料放在一个固定的位置, 密封, 在将其放入办公室内部信封之前. 虽然这似乎是重复的工作, 它消除了跨部门邮寄邮件的可能性.


服务 交货时间 邮件类别
1类 1 - 5天 诸如报表、发票和打印材料之类的项目.
第三类 1 - 10天 不需要一等的印刷品.
非营利性散装 5 - 10天 非营利性散装印刷品. 至少200件相同的邮件或50英镑.
特快专递 第二天 退款保证隔夜次日服务
挂号信 1 - 5天 和头等舱一样,没有声明值. 需要签名.


U.S. 邮政利率

根据您的邮寄需要选择服务类型. 尺寸、形状、重量和邮政编码信息准备好了吗. 查找邮政编码



美国邮政服务 所有差饷及费用.


任何可邮寄的物品均可邮寄 一流的邮件. 头等邮件的重量限制是13盎司. 对于较重的邮件,使用优先邮件.


优先邮件 重达70磅的包裹是否可用. 优先邮件预计交付时间为2-3天.


特快专递 提供信件、商业文件和包裹的隔夜服务. 此方法使用唯一的发货号码提供跟踪. 目的地可以是任何国内或国际邮寄地址.


挂号信 为发件人提供邮寄收据, and a record of delivery is maintained at the recipient’s post office for two years. A return receipt to provide you with proof of delivery can be obtained for an additional fee.


A 回执 向发送者提供明信片或电子通知, 传真或电邮, 有交货日期和收货人签名.