Environmental Management (PhD) at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学



环境科学与管理(博士) – STEM Designated Degree Program

成立于2003年, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s first-of-its-kind Environmental Science and Management curriculum emphasizes the need for environmental professionals to be fluent in the natural and physical sciences, 统计数据, 经济学, 和政策. This knowledge and skill set is necessary for environmental managers to serve as generators of new knowledge, and also as interpreters and ambassadors between the diverse stakeholders involved in environmental issues.

现在比以往任何时候都重要, 这个世界需要训练有素的人, dedicated environmental professionals who understand the intricate mechanisms that cause climate change and its impacts on our society, 污染物在空气中的传播, 土壤, 和水, 洪水, 海岸侵蚀, 自然栖息地和生物多样性的丧失. The world needs scientists who are able to design and implement solutions, 将这些有效地传达给涉众, 提高公众的科学素养. Our students prepare for this career path through a combination of interdisciplinary coursework and research in regional to international study areas, 关于应对气候变化的议题, 土壤和水质, 环境修复, 生物燃料市场, 雨水管理, 自然资源管理, 沿海管理, 保护生物多样性和生态系统服务. 我们的校友被聘为美国大学的教授.S. 以及国际大学, 作为市政科研人员和管理人员, 状态, 以及联邦机构, 作为环境顾问, 作为私营企业的科学家.

有关该计划的更多信息,请访问 环境科学与管理(博士) 列表ing on the 科学与数学学院 website.

请参阅我们的 学习计划 page for a comprehensive 列表 of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.


Successful applicants must have a bachelors degree from an accredited institution with an undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0或更高的4.0规模 and/or a masters degree with a graduate grade point average of at least 3.3或更高的4.0规模. 非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际申请者 页,以回顾美国.S. 学位等效信息. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact possible research advisors and research projects prior to submitting an application and solicit letters of reference from university faculty who can specifically address your potential to conduct doctoral-level research.


In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have
创建一个应用程序检查表. This check列表 can be a reference point for you during the
application process to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps
needed to apply, as well as all corresponding supplemental materials for your specific

  • 申请截止日期:
    • 秋季入学:3月1日
    • 春季入学时间:10月31日

Please note: Upon offer of admission, you will be asked to submit an enrollment deposit of $200.

  • Submit Online Application: Please create your online account and submit your application by following the 一般应用说明 并支付(或免除)不可退还的60美元申请费. 一旦这一步已经完成, the online portal will allow you to upload your supplemental materials.

The following is a 列表 of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for the 环境科学与管理(博士) program:

  • 文字记录:每个大学都有一名学生.
  • 论文/个人陈述:2.
    • General Statement of Purpose: The Statement of Purpose provides you an opportunity to give evidence of your unique talents and experiences as an applicant to doctoral study at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 在准备陈述时, please keep in mind that the 招生 Committee is seeking evidence of your ability to communicate clearly and professionally. Please include your reasons for pursuing doctoral studies by referring to relevant personal, 学术及工作经历. Please also outline your future plans and any other information that may be of interest to the 招生 Committee.
    • General Statement of 研究/Inquiry: The Statement of 研究/Inquiry provides you an opportunity to inform the 招生 Committee of your thoughts, 的想法, and areas of interest that may lead to dissertation research. 在准备陈述时, please keep in mind that the 招生 Committee is seeking evidence of your ability to communicate clearly and professionally. The Statement of 研究/Inquiry should be 1-3 pages, double-spaced, and typewritten. It is key to identify at least one member of the doctoral faculty who will agree to serve as your PhD advisor and to mention this in your 研究 Statement. 使用这个 列表 to identify doctoral faculty advisors that align with your proposed research area. It is strongly suggested that you get in touch with any prospective advisor(s) to discuss your proposed PhD research, 通过电话或Zoom.
  • 简历:需要.
  • 推荐信:三封.
  • 标准化考试成绩: GRE不需要. 申请人可以选择提交GRE成绩. Any applicant voluntarily choosing to do so should select 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 as the receiving institution on their score report.
  • 非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际申请人页面 查阅美国同等学位资料.

Our program consists of 72 credits, evenly distributed between coursework and research. Please note that as the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 faculty grows, new expertise and new courses are constantly developed and added to our extensive 列表 of electives. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 the 环境科学与管理(博士) program 列表ing in the 大学 Catalog.


If you have any general questions regarding the application process and requirements, 请发邮件或致电我们:
电子邮件: graduate@0933282516.com
电话: 973-655-5147

If you have specific inquiries regarding your 感兴趣的项目, please contact the 环境科学与管理(博士) Program Coordinator:

*在夏季, there will be a rotating department chair available to answer your inquiry. 为这个项目找到更新的夏季椅子.*

项目负责人: Dr. 马克切
办公室: 环境与生命科学中心312
电子邮件: choppingm@0933282516.com
电话: 973‑655‑7384