网络指南: Tips For Using The Campus Wireless Network


是否参加在线课程, 研究信息, 与朋友交流, 或者只是通过流媒体看电影或电视节目来放松, 或者玩电子游戏, fast and reliable Internet service is a modern necessity. 无线网络(WiFi), 曾经被认为是一种很好的便利, has become critical to using the Internet from our laptops, phones, tablets, 以及其他移动设备, 但它并非没有技术上的局限. When problems occur in a wireless network it can be difficult to troubleshoot connection and performance issues because so many external factors can alter the wireless signal. 建筑结构, the number of other networked devices in the immediate area, 空中的“流氓”无线信号, and even the physical presence of other people nearby can affect the stability and performance of your WiFi connection.

当你使用无线网络时, 你和你所有的设备共享空气, as well as with your neighbors and all of their devices. Apple TVs, Firesticks, Chromecasts, Roku, Echos, smart TVs, watches, and almost every new video game console all use WiFi and Bluetooth. Generally speaking, these devices (and their remotes and controllers) all operate on the same 2.4Ghz射频. (有趣的事实:微波炉也可以在2.4Ghz频谱,运行时会产生干扰!) With all of these various devices “talking” in the same radio spectrum in the same physical area, there are sometimes too many conversations going on for anyone to hear anything.

新一代WiFi技术(802).11N and AC) introduced an additional 5Ghz frequency which allows for more devices to talk at the same time without “hearing” all of those older devices using the 2.4Ghz frequency. 5Ghz的频率提供更多的带宽, but is more susceptible to interference from obstructions and distance (you can talk faster, 但必须更接近). Additionally, the same concept of too many conversations in the same room at once still applies; it’s just a bigger room. Below, we will discuss some of the things you can do to help keep the shared WiFi network working for everyone!



  • “你试过把它关掉再打开吗??” Seriously, 我们知道这是陈词滥调, but this fixes the majority of problems your devices may have; internet or otherwise. (确保你关机,不要只是睡觉. Sleep keeps your open applications and system status, and any active bugs too.)
  • When possible, 使用硬有线网络连接 而不是无线连接. A hard wired connection will be more reliable than wireless, especially if there are many users online at the same time in a closed area such as a dorm room.
  • 固定设备 such as desktops, gaming consoles, and smart TVs are recommended to be 连接到有线网络.
  • If you are in a very busy area and having wireless issues, 试着搬到人口较少的地区; utilize study areas and reslife lounges on campus, or use a wired connection.
  • The use of 禁止使用WiFi路由器或WiFi扩展器; they will conflict with the university’s wireless infrastructure, 并且会进一步降低所有用户的性能.
  • 关闭WiFi和蓝牙 在您不经常使用的设备上.
  • 你房间里有打印机吗? Be sure that it is not broadcasting a WiFi network; many do so by default. You should be able to disable this in the printer’s settings. 如果你不能关闭打印机的wifi信号,就 不使用打印机时,请关闭打印机.
  • 如果你是校园里的学生、教师或工作人员, make sure you are connecting to the “MSU-Secure” wireless network 只要有可能. If your device is unable to connect to MSU-Secure, then you should connect to “MSU-WiFi”. Please note, “MSU-Guest”, 仅面向非密歇根州立大学教职员工的访客, staff or students and it has some bandwidth restrictions.
  • Ensure your device drivers and software are up to date; this can resolve some issues and is great for keeping devices more secure too.
  • Clear cookies in your web browser, delete temporary files, and empty the recycle bin frequently 帮助您的笔记本电脑或台式机顺利运行..
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    如果您遇到任何延迟问题, frozen screen, 音频质量差, or a meeting getting disconnected while using Zoom on a WiFi connection, 试试下面的方法:

  • 在Zoom会议之前, 测试您的音频或视频连接 Zoom测试网站
  • Check your bandwidth using an online speed test like In general, you will need a “ping” time of less than 25ms and at least 1.5Mbps of upload and download speed for a good Zoom experience. Note that the Zoom application will automatically lower the quality of your video stream if your bandwidth drops below 1.5Mbps.
  • 如果你发现连接还是不好, consider turning off your Zoom video by clicking the “Stop Video” button on the bottom left of the Zoom window. Turning off the video and sending only audio to meeting participants uses less bandwidth and can improve your audio quality.
  • 如果你正在进行大型变焦呼叫, 在你需要说话之前保持安静. This uses less bandwidth and will prevent excess noise on the call.
  • 如果问题继续存在, turn off your audio and connect to Zoom audio using your cell phone or landline 而不是通过互联网.
  • 避免使用VPN连接 while on Zoom. 众所周知,vpn会导致Zoom的性能问题.
  • 避免同时运行多个数据流. ie: streaming Netflix or YouTube while in a Zoom class session.
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    If you continue to experience ongoing issues and you’ve tried the suggestions in this document, you can get further assistance by contacting the IT Service Desk by phone at (973-655-7971) or by email at

    To ensure your issue gets addressed as quickly and correctly as possible, please provide the Service Desk technician with the following information:

  • The building and room number of where you are having the problem.
  • 您设备的IP地址.
  • Your device’s MAC Address (Note your device may have two MAC Addresses, one for the wired Ethernet port and another for the wireless interface) Sample Mac Address: AA:BC:1F:79:C5:C8
  • And finally, let the Service Desk know if you have previously connected to “MSU-guest” in the past 24 hours.
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