


  • 莱肖维茨演奏厅 is available for students enrolled in the following degree programs: BMus, MA, MM, 表演者的证书, 及艺术家文凭.
  • 二年级和三年级独奏会只安排在G55或201.
  • 事件 in the Recital Hall are staffed by 生产办公室 personnel while events in G55 and 201 are unstaffed.
    • Room setup and restore is the responsibility of the performer for both G55 and 201.
    • 所有莱肖维茨演奏厅的活动都有录音档案. 请联系菲尔·克利福德获取更多信息. Audio/video recording arrangements for G55 and 201 are the responsibility of the performer.
    • 事件 in 莱肖维茨演奏厅 may be 流ed and video recorded by the Cali School. Due to the nature of the reliance on technology and university networking infrastructure, 视频录制和流媒体不保证, 但我们会尽一切努力可靠地捕捉, 流, 以及莱肖维茨独奏厅的演出档案.
  • Recitals must not exceed 90 minutes in length, inclusive of one 10-minute intermission.
  • You will have 30 minutes for a sound check starting one hour before your recital. 演奏厅将在您预定的演奏会开始时间前30分钟开放.
  • Recitals must always start on time unless there is a need for production to hold. 没有例外.
  • 不允许重唱. 最后一篇文章结束时,将会出现室内灯光.
  • 大楼内不允许有食物、饮料或接待活动.
  • No cancellations are permitted unless there is written emergency approval by the Cali School Director Anthony Mazzocchi.
    • 未获批准而取消的演奏会只会在G55或g201重新安排.
  • 在下列冲突期间,不允许安排独奏会:
    • 12月的克劳福德纪念音乐会
    • 针对区域/仪器相关的大型集合事件(例如.g.(在大学歌手/密歇根州立大学合唱音乐会期间禁止人声独奏)
  • All recital production requirements are subject to the Production Manager’s approval.
  • 朗诵成绩及报名:
    • Recital grades are given by your private instructor and submitted by the instructor of record Taylor Goodson. 如果你对你的朗诵成绩有意见, 一定要和你的私人教练或学术顾问讨论一下.
    • 如果你注册了独奏会,但无法完成, you will need to re-register for the course to book another recital in a subsequent semester. 例外情况必须由加州大学校长书面批准.

学生独奏会在莱肖维茨独奏厅G55室和201室举行. 事件 in the Recital Hall are staffed by 生产办公室 personnel while events in G55 and 201 are unstaffed. In order to book the Recital Hall, your recital must be scheduled at least one month in advance. 秋季学期的演出安排将于8月1日开始, 大约在学期开始前一个月. 春季学期的独奏会安排在12月1日开始, 大约在学期开始前六周. Recital Hall scheduling for the Fall semester closes on November 15 while Spring semester recital scheduling closes on April 15. All recitals scheduled after November 15/April 15 will be scheduled for G55 or 201 only as scheduling for the 莱肖维茨演奏厅 is fully closed on those dates.

In order to successfully schedule and finalize your recital date, you must complete the following:

  • Meet with your advisor to determine how many recitals (if any) are required to complete your degree.
  • 报名参加你的独奏会. You must be registered for your recital before proceeding with recital scheduling.
  • Find three dates* that you, your 伴奏者, and 你的老师 have available for your recital.
  • 亲自去见泰勒·古德森安排你的独奏会. 办公时间贴在他办公室的门上,Chapin 129. 如果你不在学校的时间,发送电子邮件到 goodsont@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 安排另一个时间.
  • Once a date has been confirmed with Taylor, you will receive a blue recital scheduling form. 这将为你的截止日期开始两周的倒计时. IMPORTANT: If this scheduling process is not completed within two-weeks of receiving your blue form, 您的日期将从日历上删除,并释放其他用途.
  • 你的私人教练必须在背诵表的上半部分签名.
  • 把你签了字的表格交给生产经理, 菲尔·克利福德, 讨论您的预期计划和任何生产需求. 如果得到批准, 菲尔会收到你的蓝色表格并和你再次确认你的演出, 你的老师, 伴奏者, 区域协调员, 给排班办公室发邮件.  你的独奏会已经安排好了,而且完全确定了.
  • If at any time during this process you foresee any problems meeting your deadline, 通过电子邮件联系菲尔和泰勒. 如果你没有在截止日期前完成,也没有事先沟通, 你将丧失使用演奏厅的权利,你的约会也将被取消. All recital communications must happen via official 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 email accounts only.
  • 每场演出允许安排一次两小时的彩排.** Dress rehearsal time is not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of your performance space. Speak to Taylor to schedule your dress rehearsal after your recital is confirmed.

星期二至星期五:5点 & 8pm; Saturdays: 2, 5 & 8pm; Sundays: 11am, 2pm, 5pm, & 8pm

Two additional two-hour rehearsal times may be booked for the following academic recitals that rely on large ensembles: Jazz, 作文, 和研究生指挥. These rehearsals may only be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays in the following spaces: G01, G02, G33, 206, 230, 330, 和430年. 排练时间不能保证,并视房间情况而定. The 调度办公室 will do everything possible to ensure scheduled rehearsals can occur as planned, 但在极端情况下,灵活性是必要的. As much notice as possible will be given if a rehearsal needs to be moved or rescheduled.




Please adhere to the following guidelines for booking Student Organization events in the 加州音乐学院.

  • All Student Organizations must appoint one point of contact for all scheduling needs and concerns. 日程安排办公室将与该联系人合作预订活动.
  • 调度 for Student Organizations’ needs will begin on August 1st for Fall events and December 1st for Spring events.
  • All Student Organization scheduling must be completed by either November 15 or April 15 of the current semester. No additional scheduling can take place in the semester’s final month to ensure that there is appropriate time for booking end-of-semester events (dress rehearsals, 陪审团, 考试, 等.).
  • The 调度办公室 will do everything possible to ensure scheduled Student Organization meetings can occur as planned, 但在极端情况下,灵活性是必要的. As much notice as possible will be given if a Student Organization meeting/event needs to be moved or rescheduled.
  • 所有非正式的学生组织活动都将在Chapin礼堂外举行. Organization recitals and relevant musical activities are welcome to be held in our facility, 但是社交活动和类似的活动应该在校园的其他地方举行, 比如学生中心, 娱乐中心, 或在许多可供学生使用的居住生活地点.
  • Student Organizations are not permitted to use the 莱肖维茨演奏厅 unless written approval is provided by the Cali School Director Anthony Mazzocchi.
  • For more information, please visit the Center for Student Involvement website at: http://ja2i.0933282516.com/center-for-student-involvement/


在坪厅内,我们有三个大型表演场地(G55, 201,和 莱肖维茨演奏厅),全年均可租用. 租用场地的收费标准如下:

工作日一天 (星期一至五,上午九时至下午四时)

工作日的晚上 (星期一至五下午四时至十时)

周末 (周六 & 周日,9 am-10pm)

租金为 仅限非学术活动 (录音、录像、排练、非学位演出等.) – these fees do not apply to degree recitals, dress rehearsals, or other for-credit endeavors.

不可退款 25美元存款 is required in order for your reservation to be placed on the Cali School calendar. 没有这笔押金,我们将无法预订. 请浏览 调度办公室 以便预订所有日期.

一小时的部分时间按整体收费. 事件 that begin prior to 5:00pm and end after 5:00pm are charged at the evening rate. 其他房间,价格和可用性取决于具体情况.

Please discuss any and all production requirements and anticipated schedule with the 生产办公室 在你的日期和时间确定之后.