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乔纳森·G.S. 科佩尔被选为十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的第九任校长, 董事会今天宣布. 全国公认的政策学者, 组织管理 who transformed the public affairs college at Arizona State 大学 into one of the largest, 全国最优秀,最具创新精神, 科佩尔将于8月2日开始工作.

董事会主席Francis M. Cuss said the Board is excited about the appointment and will act formally on it at the June 22 Board meeting.

“乔纳森·科佩尔是所有理事的明确选择, 他的精力给谁留下了深刻印象, 他的激情, 以及他对公立高等教育理想的奉献,卡斯说. “He is an experienced and visionary leader with a very strong record of increasing service to 学生 and communities, 支持和推进教师的工作, 让捐赠者和校友参与到学校的使命中来. He has created mutually beneficial partnerships with many external organizations and communities, 他在校园里以大力倡导多元化而闻名, 包容与公平. 所有这些品质, 再加上他当老师的经验, 一个学者和一个管理者, 使他成为历史上十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的理想人选.”

科佩尔说:“我对加入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学感到无比兴奋. “在高等教育的关键时刻, this university – with its deep commitment to serving the public interest and advancing student success – has an opportunity to define the future. 教职员工在科尔校长的带领下取得的成就给我留下了深刻的印象, 我相信我们可以在这个基础上更加大胆地发展, 富有想象力的方式有助于繁荣, 新泽西和国家的健康和福祉.”

作为十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的校长, Koppell will lead one of New Jersey’s largest and most successfully diverse public research universities, 发球人数超过21人的人,000 学生 enrolled in some 300 degree programs offered by 10 colleges and schools on a 252-acre campus.

During his decade-long tenure as dean of ASU’s Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions and vice provost for public service and social impact, 学院的招生人数增加了一倍多, 成为全国最大的综合性公共事务学院, 9人以上,000名本科生, 硕士和博士课程. He also led the College to significantly improve its student retention and graduation rates through new and innovative counseling and student-support initiatives. 科佩尔在学院的筹款翻了两番, secured one of the largest gifts in the university’s 136-year history and tripled research funding to exceed $30 million annually. 该学院是亚利桑那州立大学最多元化的学院. 它的大多数学生来自代表性不足的少数民族社区, 近三分之二的学生来自低收入家庭.

被誉为亚利桑那州立大学最具创业精神的领袖之一, an institution that is widely regarded as one of the nation’s most innovative universities, 科佩尔指导沃茨学院增加了大约20个新的学位课程, 大力拓展在线服务和全球项目, 在海南创办一所独特的联合学院, 中国, 并创建了全国第一所公共服务学院. National rankings skyrocketed under his leadership with numerous programs now rated in the top 10 nationally.

“乔纳森是亚利桑那州立大学的变革型领导者, 开展创新公益项目, 增加学生的机会和成功, 促进教师和学院领导的多样性, 并大大增加研究支出和慈善支持,亚利桑那州立大学校长迈克尔. 乌鸦. “He is a firm believer that public universities play a fundamental role in advancing nearly every aspect of society. I have every confidence that Jonathan will fully apply his lifelong dedication to higher education to further elevating 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.”

科佩尔一直是凤凰城大都市区和整个亚利桑那州的领导者, 一个重要的声音谁创造了深, collaborative partnerships to address critical challenges from homelessness to youth disengagement to broadband access. He launched a public-private partnership embedding support services within Section 8 housing in downtown Phoenix and created a series of public-serving centers and institutes, 包括社区解决方案设计工作室, 国会议员埃德·帕斯特政治和公共服务中心, 参议员乔恩·凯尔水政策中心, 应急管理和国土安全中心, 人力资本和青年发展中心, 以及惩教解决方案中心.

他将接替苏珊·A. 科尔在服务了23年之后即将退休. 在她的领导下, the 大学 nearly doubled its enrollment and rose from a well-respected regional master’s institution with an almost entirely commuter student population to become a doctoral research university with a sizable residential student population and a growing national reputation.

科尔大学招收了一个非常多元化的学生群体, 聘请了数百名有才华的教员, 开办了四所新学校和学院, built some 4 million square feet of new academic space and modernized many teaching and research facilities, 为数千名学生增加了住房, installed a highly efficient energy infrastructure that includes one of the few campus microgrids in the nation and added a train station providing direct access to midtown Manhattan.

“在过去的二十年里, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学已经发展成为一个大型, 高度复杂的研究型大学, expanded our service to New Jersey and the nation and built on the historical values of this institution to create a welcoming and supportive university dedicated to serving 学生 who aspire to lives of accomplishment and contribution to society,科尔说。. “I am confident that 乔纳森Koppell understands this university and will work with the campus community to continue to secure a meaningful future for 十大博彩推荐排名州立 and the 学生 and the state it serves.”

十大博彩推荐排名状态, 在科尔总统的领导下, 经历了一次非凡的转变吗,董事会主席Cuss说. “在我们历史的这个时刻, we are now poised to build on those accomplishments and make an even greater impact on our state and on our nation.”

布莱恩的桥梁, 新泽西州高等教育部长说, “十大博彩推荐排名州立大学为其下一任校长做出了杰出的选择. Dr. 科佩尔在亚利桑那州立大学的成就令人印象深刻, 他从事了大量的创新工作. 我期待着在未来的岁月里与他一起工作.”

Koppell brings to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 a national reputation as a leading scholar of policy, 组织管理. He earned doctoral and master’s degrees in political science from the 大学 of California – Berkeley and a baccalaureate degree in government from Harvard 大学. At ASU he holds the endowed Lattie and Elva Coor 总统ial Chair as Professor of Public Administration and Policy and is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. 在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,他将担任政治学教员.

在成为院长之前,科佩尔是亚利桑那州立大学公共事务学院院长. 他的学术生涯是从耶鲁大学开始的, where he held faculty appointments in the School of Management and led the Milstein Center for Corporate Governance Performance.

He serves on the boards of several community and nonprofit organizations and has been a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution, 新美国基金会马克尔研究员,上海富布赖特讲师, 中国. 他是关于全球治理机构的书籍和文章的作者, 公私混合组织与公司治理.

Koppell, 51, is married to Jennifer Steen with whom he has two high school-aged children. 这一任命意味着他将回到自己的家乡. A lifelong Yankees and Jets fan, Koppell grew up in the Bronx and graduated from the Bronx H.S. 科学的, the son of a New Jersey college professor and a longtime New York elected official: Kathleen Sunshine a former dean and professor at Ramapo College and G. 奥利弗·科佩尔是前纽约州总检察长, 州议员和纽约市议会成员.

库斯委员长对总统选拔委员会表示了感谢. “这委员会, 包括教职员工, 工作人员, 学生, 校友及受托人, 向董事会展示了众多优秀的入围者,他说. “董事会感谢他们细致周到的工作.”

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is a research doctoral institution ranked in the top tier of national universities. 它的历史可以追溯到1908年, 今天的大学有10个学院和学院,服务超过21人,在校本科生和研究生约000人,博士生约300人, 硕士和学士学位课程. 坐落在一个美丽的, 占地252英亩的郊区校园距离纽约市仅12英里, 十大博彩推荐排名州立 delivers the instructional and research resources of a large public university in a supportive, 复杂多样的学术环境.

要了解更多关于Dr. 科佩尔,请访问 总统搜索网站, 你在哪里可以找到他的简历, 他的主要成就清单, 还有他社交媒体账号的链接.