


副总裁沟通 & 市场营销


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is committed to the creation and dissemination of knowledge and ideas and to the free flow of information. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 recognizes the important role of the news media as a channel of communication with the public, and it is committed to providing representatives of recognized news reporting organizations with timely and accurate information regarding the 大学’s policies, 节目和活动.

The Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销 is the point of contact for inquiries from news media representatives, and it and the President are the sole source of official statements to the media providing information about 十大博彩推荐排名州立. 员工s who wish to initiate contact with the news media or who receive news media inquiries about 大学 matters should first coordinate with the media relations 工作人员 in the Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销.

员工s are always free to speak to the news media for any reason, except they may not speak or provide a statement on behalf of 十大博彩推荐排名州立 unless expressly designated by the President or Vice President, 通信 & 市场营销.


All employees of 十大博彩推荐排名州立 are required to comply with this policy.


1 .与记者合作

Media relations 工作人员 members in the Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销 are responsible to act as advocates for 十大博彩推荐排名州立 with the news media. Communication with the media and the public shall comply with the principles of ethical public relations practice as described in the PRSA道德准则. 

Media relations 工作人员 in the Division will respond promptly, courteously and professionally to requests from members of the news media who seek information about or want access to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 and its administrators, 教师, 教职员及学生.  反过来, 十大博彩推荐排名州立 expects members of the news media to conduct themselves in a professional manner, 符合既定的新闻职业道德准则, when contacting or interacting with members of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 community and when visiting the campus.  十大博彩推荐排名州立 may discontinue contact with news media representatives who consistently fail to adhere to these expectations.


News media representatives are permitted to enter public areas of the 大学’s campuses and to film public areas without permission, but they are encouraged to first contact the Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销’s media relations 工作人员 to facilitate their visits. 然而, 进入某些区域, 包括教室, 实验室, 工作室, 办公室和所有宿舍, is strictly prohibited without prior permission from the Division’s professional media relations 工作人员.  Media personnel who disrupt 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s normal operations, interfere with the ability to access activities or facilities, 或恐吓或骚扰校园内的个人, 可能会被要求离开校园. 在紧急情况期间, 十大博彩推荐排名州立 officials may require news media representatives to remain within a designated area for law enforcement or safety reasons.


The Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销 is solely responsible for calling and holding news conferences on behalf of 十大博彩推荐排名州立.  News conferences may be convened by the Division to efficiently share important news with the media. All other units that would like to hold a news conference must seek approval through the Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销.

4 -发言人

When public comment on behalf of 十大博彩推荐排名州立 is requested, 发言人将是总统, 副总统, 通信 & 营销,或指定. No other employees are authorized to speak or provide a statement on behalf of 十大博彩推荐排名州立 unless expressly designated by the President or Vice President, 通信 & 市场营销.


During a crisis or emergency that disrupts normal operations, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学将与教师沟通, 工作人员, students and members of the media and the public in a timely and accurate manner, 为了加强公共安全. 大学警察, the Division of 学生 Development and Campus Life and the Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销 are the designated sources of emergency information on behalf of 十大博彩推荐排名州立. 员工s who receive news media requests related to an emergency should direct them to the media relations 工作人员 within the Division of 大学 通信 and 市场营销.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is subject to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA), N.J.S.A 47:1A-1等. seq., which ensures transparency by public entities subject to certain exceptions.

The Office of 大学 Counsel is responsible for responding to requests for records under OPRA. Any employee receiving a request for records from any source, 包括新闻媒体, must forward it to the Office of 大学 Counsel for response


通讯副总统 & 市场营销 has been delegated authority to enforce and administer this Policy.  员工s who fail to comply with this Policy may be subject to discipline, 包括暂停或终止, in accordance with applicable 十大博彩推荐排名州立 policies and collective bargaining agreements.
