




十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的网络存在对其教学使命至关重要, 学习, 公共服务. 然而, 任何发布到web服务器的信息都可能被查看, 复制, 任何可以通过网络浏览器访问它的人都可以重新分发. Thus, the 大学’s Web发布 policy seeks to establish standards and guidelines that will:

  • 支持大学的愿景、使命、目标和传统学术价值观.
  • 协助网络出版商开发符合学校政策的网站, 规则, 法规, 所有适用的地方, 状态, 和联邦法律.
  • Facilitate the official business of the 大学 and appropriate online transactions while maintaining the necessary level of 安全 and privacy.
  • Outline mechanisms for maintaining the integrity and 安全 of confidential/sensitive information that for legitimate business or pedagogical reasons must be stored on or accessed via a campus web server.
  • Define web account creation policies to ensure that only those individuals with proper authorization can publish content to web servers in the 十大博彩推荐排名.edu域.

This Web发布 policy document is not intended as a style guide for the look and feel of web pages, 它也不涉及网页设计或品牌领域. Please refer to the Division of 大学 Advancement’s Web Services page for guidelines pertaining to 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s standards for web page design and branding. Specific requirements for the proper protection and handling of sensitive and confidential information in any medium by members of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 community are described in the 大学’s Safeguarding Sensitive and Confidential Information policy document.



  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的官方网站,http://www.十大博彩推荐排名.edu
  • 所有的网页位于服务器内的十大博彩推荐排名.edu域.
  • 十大博彩推荐排名以外的大学附属网站.edu域名,使用十大博彩推荐排名州立大学注册商标或版权材料, 图片, 标志, 等.
  • Web pages of Application Service Providers (ASPs) or vendors that have contracted with the 大学 to deliver online 服务. 例子包括, 但不限于, 在线学习管理系统和供应商“门户”采购设备, 服务, 和物资.
  • 教师, 工作人员, and student pages located on any server or device connected to the Campus network that is capable of delivering web content.
  • 已被分配部门网络发布帐户保管权的个人.


Web publishers are responsible for the content of the pages they publish and are expected to abide by the highest standards of quality and responsibility. 这些责任适用于所有出版商, 无论是大学, 部门, 学生或雇员组织, 或者个人.

  • All web content must conform to the 大学’s Safeguarding Sensitive and Confidential Information policy document. 除此之外, 这意味着敏感的大学信息包括, 但不限于, 学生记录, 财务记录, or any other confidential or private information may not be displayed on publicly-accessible web pages or stored on a web server in unencrypted form.
  • Web pages may only be published to a server on the campus network using an IT-authorized user account. Examples of authorized user accounts include MSU NetIDs and any departmental or application-specific logins created by OIT for the purposes of web content publishing.
  • All accounts used for web publishing shall conform to the 大学’s Account Management and Password Management policies.
  • Any website or online form that requests a username and password for authentication must do so over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection for both the username/password entry and the actual form submission process. 参见第3节.详情请参阅4.
  • A web site’s home page should clearly identify the person or unit responsible for its creation and maintenance. It is recommended that any sub-pages linked from the site’s home page should contain similar information.


Non-OIT web servers that are maintained and operated by a college or department are subject to all 大学 policies regarding server configuration, 安全, 账户管理, 以及以下政策文件中定义的内容:

  • 网络连通性策略
  • 帐户管理策略
  • 密码管理策略
  • 保护敏感及机密资料政策
  • Web应用程序开发策略

由大学自行决定, College and Departmental web server may be included in the 大学’s overall search engine indexing and website statistics gathering processes.


There are numerous 服务 available on the campus community that facilitate the publishing of personal web pages. 一些例子包括:

  • MSUWeb “public_html” folders available to all faculty, 工作人员, and students with an active MSU NetID.
  • 大学主网站上的教职员工封面.
  • Blackboard学习管理系统(课程内容,学生作品集,讨论组).)
  • 各种学院和部门的网络服务器允许个人网页.
  • Personal computers with web server software installed (note: access to these web servers is restricted by the 大学’s firewall to on-campus traffic only.)

Individuals who utilize one or more of the above 服务 to publish web content are subject to all of the policies herein, 以及所有其他大学计算机政策, 和国家, 联邦, 以及当地法律.


All web publishers are required to respect the intellectual and creative property rights of others and abide by all applicable policies and guidelines for fair use of copyrighted materials.


不同的大学, 部门, and Administrative units have a legitimate need to collect and process information using online forms and transactional web pages. 一些例子包括WESS在线注册, 申请经济资助, 研究生院申请, 事件/研讨会登记, 和调查. 以下规则适用于任何在线表单或事务性网页, 它是否托管在oit操作的web服务器上, 学院或部门的网络服务器, 或者是个人的网络服务器.

  • Individual (personal) web pages may NOT be used to gather personally identifiable information such MSU NetIDs and passwords, 社会安全号码, 家庭住址, 或适用国家规定的任何其他个人身份信息, 联邦, 以及当地法律.
  • 大学, 部门, and Administrative units needing to gather personal identity information may only do so using web forms or transaction systems that have been provided by OIT for this purpose or have been evaluated by OIT for 安全 and privacy compliance.
  • Any online form or transactional website must clearly state on the site what will be done with the information collected, 并提供大学私隐政策的连结.
  • 所有事务性网站必须遵守大学关于服务器配置的政策, 安全, 账户管理, 和第3节定义的内容.1以上.
  • Online forms and transactional websites should only collect the minimum amount of information that is required to complete the form or transaction.
  • 在可能的情况下,让用户选择不标识自己.
  • Clearly state who is collecting the information and provide context so that users are aware why it is being collected.
  • 仅为收集个人信息的主要目的而使用和披露个人信息, 并按照大学的保护敏感和机密信息政策.
