
Faculty Beyond the Classroom


From research to activism, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学宗教系的教职员工很活跃, engaged scholars outside the classroom. 以下是他们所从事的活动的样本.

The Religious Imagination

第六届年度创意研究中心研讨会,与大学的 Creative Research Center, 以宗教系的成员为特色,反思宗教和宗教研究中的想象行为. 


Dr. Dorothy Rogers

Dr. Rogers


Dr. 罗杰斯目前正在写一本分为两部分的书:

  • Women Philosophers: German Thought in the U.S.
  • Women Philosophers: Entering Academia in the U.S.


她还在撰写《十大博彩推荐排名》一书,这一章节将在《十大博彩推荐排名》上发表 Law and Religion in the Liberal State, edited by Jahid Bhuiyan and Uddin Khan.

除了在多个校园委员会任职外,她还是大学委员会的联合主席 Council for Faith and Spirituality, as well as being part of Montclair State’s 总统平权行动和多元化委员会.

For the last two years Dr. 罗杰斯为当地社区组织组织了一系列关于公共生活中的宗教和社会/政治思想的讲座, 她自己就女权主义和左翼基督教激进主义发表了演讲.

Dr. Mark Clatterbuck

Photo of Mark Clatterbuck
Dr. Clatterbuck

Dr. Clatterbuck recently published 乌鸦耶稣:土著宗教归属的个人故事 (University of Oklahoma Press, 2017).

He is also the co-founder of Lancaster Against Pipelines (LAP)这是一家501c3联邦非营利组织,与宾夕法尼亚州的水力压裂天然气工业作斗争. Defenders of environmental and community rights, LAP’s educational, legal, 针对天然气行业的监管努力伴随着雄心勃勃的基层行动主义. 在非暴力行动中,已有50多名LAP成员被捕,这些非暴力行动旨在破坏通过社区农田的管道安装, waterways, forests, and neighborhoods.

LAP的作品在最近的一些纪录片中有特写,包括 The Climate and the Cross (The Guardian, 2018) and Protecting the Sacred (CBS News, 2017).

Dr. 克拉特巴克还从信仰的角度参与了其他气候正义工作, 包括他参与了一项由基督之血崇拜者对天然气行业提起的联邦宗教自由恢复法案诉讼, a vowed order of Roman Catholic women. The Washington Post reported on their lawsuit in 2017.

Dr. John Soboslai

Photo of John Soboslai
Dr. Soboslai

Dr. Soboslai是宗教和暴力比较研究方面的专家, focusing on martyrdom and self-sacrifice. 他发表过关于藏人自焚的文章, Sikh discourses of sacrifice during WWI, and modern forms of Christian violence. He is currently working on a book to be titled 目睹死亡:殉道的全球意识形态 哪个是跨时间和传统的殉道比较研究. There, 他比较了二世纪基督教的殉道案例, Shi’a Islam during the 1980s, 二十世纪早期的反殖民和忠诚的锡克教徒, 以及自2009年以来为反对中华人民共和国的计划而自焚的藏传佛教徒. 最后一个案例导致了他与人合著的文章《十大博彩推荐排名》, the Dharmarāja, 《十大博彩推荐排名》,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, while his article 第一次世界大战期间锡克教徒的自我牺牲和宗教表现 published as part of a special edition of Religions.

In 2016, Dr. Soboslai被北卡罗莱纳大学选为年度谢尔曼新兴学者, Wilmington. As part of the award he gave a presentation “Dying For God? Martyrdom Across Time,” and was also interviewed for UNC-TV on the subject of martyrdom and suicide bombing. He is also the co-author of the 2015 book God in the Tumult of the Global Square (加州大学出版社,马克·尤根斯迈耶、黛娜·格里戈著).

Dr. Kate Temoney

Headshots of Prof. Kate Temoney
Dr. Temoney

Dr. 特莫尼是一位比较宗教伦理学家,专门研究宗教和人权, 她目前的研究是分析宗教和种族灭绝的交集. 她最近和即将出版的作品是:解剖白人的愤怒:“种族是我的宗教”!’ and ‘White Genocide,’” 《十大博彩推荐排名》 (University of Edinburgh Press, 2020); “An Assessment of the Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Atrocity Crimes,” Routledge Handbook on Religion and Genocide (Routledge, forthcoming), 以及“暴力冲突后的历史理解与和解”,” Historical Understanding合著者Berber Bevernage (Bloomsbury Academic,即将出版). 她的课程包括《十大博彩推荐排名》, Applied Jewish Ethics, African Religions, Religions of the World, Religious Ethics, and Religion and Human Rights.

自2016年加入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学以来,她已经走遍了美国各地.S. and abroad to countries such as Australia, Brazil, Poland, Cambodia, 作为受邀演讲者和会议主持人或参与者. She also is the co-founder of the Genocide Education and Prevention Project, 该组织于2017年夏天在该校举行了首次会议, and co-chair of the Religion, Holocaust, and Genocide Unit of the American Academy of Religion.

In March 2020, Dr. 莫尼在纽约大学就宗教行为者和防止种族灭绝问题发表了演讲 University of Manitoba’s Arthur V. Mauro Institute for Peace & Justice at St. Paul’s College in Winnipeg, Canada, and in September 2020, 她应美国国务院的邀请,参加了题为“与宗教人士合作,缓解环境冲突”的小组讨论.” She is a 2020-2021 沃巴什神学教学中心 awardee and a 2021 selected participant in the 美国大屠杀纪念博物馆伦理、宗教和大屠杀研讨会. 她即将在会议上发表的报告包括关于道德伤害和种族灭绝强奸的论文(American Academy of Religion, November/December 2020, USA); holographic representations of Holocaust survivors (International Network for Theory of History, April 2021, Puebla, Mexico); and the perspectives and prospectives of Genocide Studies (International Commission of Historical Sciences, August 2021, Poznan, Poland).