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Office of Sponsored Programs

Featured Awards – August 2019

发布: Featured Awards

Please join us in congratulating the following MSU faculty and staff who received awards this month.

Amanda Birnbaum • Public Health
Paterson Grow Healthy
US Environmental Protection Agency
This award from the Paterson Grow Healthy project will provide paid internship opportunities to five MSU undergraduate public health students to be food waste educators. Their work will support the main project goal: to increase awareness about the food cycle and food waste as an environmental issue in Paterson Public Schools, to prompt students to make food choices that will reduce waste. The interns will work in Paterson elementary schools, 与学生, science teachers, and food service/maintenance workers.

Pankaj拉尔 • Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center (CESAC)
To Perform RGGI Related Economic and Energy Dispatch Modeling
NJ Board of Public Utilities
CESAC will assess the impacts New Jersey rejoining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) through economic and energy dispatch models. This work will assess the potential size of that leakage, the economic impacts of that leaking potential in terms of energy prices/cost, and methods to mitigate the leakage potential including the value of any offsetting benefits.

道格拉斯·拉金 Secondary and Special Education
桑德拉·亚当斯 生物学
Studying the Retention of Novice Science Teachers by Learning from School District Induction and Mentoring Programs – Year 2
National Science Foundation
In year two and the second phase of a five-year grant, Dr. 道格拉斯·拉金 and Dr. 桑德拉·亚当斯 will investigate the five-year science teacher retention rates in four U.S. states (New Jersey, 北卡罗莱纳, 宾西法尼亚, 和威斯康辛州), and then examine and describe high-quality induction and mentoring programs in identified school districts through a set of case studies that will promote best practices in design and implementation.

布莱恩·默多克 Center for Community Engagement
Krystal Woolston Center for Community Engagement
Randall FitzGerald NJ School of Conservation
Montclair State 大学 EECO Project – Year 1
NJ Commission on National and Community Service
The thirty-one AmeriCorps members in this program will: assist students in Orange, New Jersey; serve at Montclair State 大学 recruiting volunteers for local communities; and serve at the New Jersey School of Conservation providing conservation education. At the end of the first program year, the AmeriCorps members will be responsible for improving academic achievement for four hundred students in Orange Public Schools, providing environmental education and conservation methods to three thousand middle school students and teachers, and leverage two thousand volunteers throughout local communities.

大卫·拉 Chemistry and Biochemistry
约翰Siekierka Chemistry and Biochemistry
Development of Inhibitors of P. 恶性疟原虫 cGMP Dependent Protein Kinase (PfPKG) for Malaria Chemoprevention – Year 3
National Institutes of Health
In the final year of this three-year grant, Dr. 罗特拉和罗特拉博士. Siekierka’s collaborative research with Rutgers 大学 will support the design, 合成, and characterization of potential inhibitors of P. 恶性疟原虫 Protein Kinase G (PfPKG) as antimalarial agents.