
特色奖项- 2019年1月

发布: 特色奖

杰拉德•科斯塔 Kaitlin马尔卡希 • Center for Autism 和 Early Childhood Mental Health
NJ Department of Children 和 Families
This multi-contract award funded services to provide evidenced-based curricula in Essex County, 和 to support a range of early childhood prevention programs throughout New Jersey, 包括探访, 对郡议会的支持, support for the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems’ Help Me Grow initiative, Community-based Child Abuse Prevention programs, 项目启动.

欢冯 •地球与环境研究
Collaborative research in application of natural radionuclides as tracers for trace element biogeochemical cycle in coastal environment
这个项目, 由开放基金资助, will initiate a joint trace element biogeochemical cycle study in a coastal environment by inviting Professor 欢冯 to visit 中国海洋大学.  通过这次联合研究, the team can compare the similarities 和 differences between Jiaozhou Bay in China 和 other areas in the world, which will enhance the knowledge of underst和ing the urban coastal environment with different economic settings.  It will also promote a bilateral collaboration between 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 和 中国海洋大学, including faculty 和 student exchange.

莎莉Grapin •心理学
Selfie-Identity Matters: Exploring the Relations among Online Racial Discrimination, 种族中心, 和 Academic Achievement among African American Adolescents
American Psychological Foundation
Dr. Grapin’s study will be the first to examine the relations among online racial discrimination, 种族身份, 和 academic achievement among African American middle school students. 具体地说, it will explore the protective role of 种族身份 in mitigating the harmful effects of online discrimination on adolescents’ academic performance. The overall goal of this research is to inform best practices for fostering resilience among African American youth as they cope with exposure to racism in online contexts.

Pankaj拉尔 • Clean Energy 和 Sustainability Analytics Center
The Clean Energy 和 Sustainability Analytics Center (CESAC): To Advance 研究 on the Sustainable Clean-Energy Economy
The Clean Energy 和 Sustainability Analytics Center (CESAC) is working to advance research on the sustainable clean-energy economy by providing research, 分析, 教育, 和 outreach on clean-energy policies, 技术, 和实践. CESAC’s work aims to provide real-world insights to regulators, businesses, 和 the general public. While CESAC fosters faculty 和 student research in the area of clean energy 和 sustainability analytics, it also facilitates collaborative discussion between energy researchers 和 policy makers. CESAC also plans on creating an information resource hub regarding state regulatory 和 incentive policies.  The research outcomes are to provide technical assistance to government, 行业, 和学术界, 通过一个目标, science based credible analyses in clean energy 和 sustainability policy domain. 为了实现这个目标, CESAC will perform research 和 分析, 和 developing 和 maintaining a suite of economic models, including Analysis of Community Solar Energy in New Jersey 和 Economic Models for New Jersey Policy Analyses.

Stefan Robila •计算机科学
国家科学基金会 Intergovernmental Personnel Act
This agreement with the 美国国家科学基金会 will support Dr. Robila’s assignment as Program Director for the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC), 电脑局 & 信息科学 & 工程. Dr. Robila has been on assignment at NSF since January 2018 和 this new award provides renewed support for the continuation for the next two years.  在OAC内部,Dr. Robila is responsible for long-range planning 和 budget development for areas of science represented by programs such as the Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation, 和OAC研究核心. 除了, he is responsible for managing 和 effective, 及时的绩效考核, 奖励和衰落过程, 和 post-award management process, 和 for collaborating with other programs in NSF, other 联邦 agencies 和 organizations.

史蒂文·夏皮罗 •哈利·A. 斯普拉格图书馆
Building a community partnership with local schools to promote Humanities 和 Science Literacy through programming
The project will build 和 exp和 a relationship between 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 和 the Montclair Township School District to develop public programming that provides a Humanities perspective on Science & 技术.

克里斯托Woolston •社区参与中心
NJ Commission on National 和 Community Service
This award will help support 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s annual Martin Luther King Day of Service, with service site locations throughout the area that address various issue areas, 包括:儿童倡导, 从无家可归过渡, 壁画, 食品不安全, 获得医疗保健用品, 残疾人服务.
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