Large, bronze red hawk statue in front of bunches of red flowers.



Humanities Concentration: Sample 18-Month Plan


Sample curriculum assumes 60 credits accepted in transfer, including general education core classes, 世界语言和世界文化 credits. Credit requirements and time to degree completion subject to change based on full time status and credits accepted in transfer. Sample elective courses indicated with an asterisk (*).

课程 课程描述 学分
大学300年 通识教育概论 3学分
HUMN151 人文学科的探究 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
人和201 普通人文I 3学分
人和285 神话 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
人和202 普通人文学科II 3学分
人和281 希腊文明 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
HUMN115 特洛伊和特洛伊战争 3学分
人和283 Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient World 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
人和181 古典考古学概论 3学分
294年心理学 Psychology of Leadership: Theory and Application* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
RELG 221 宗教及文化* 3学分
英格兰230年 Images of Muslim Women in Twentieth Century Literature and Culture* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
政客们201 比较政治学* 3学分
人和384 罗马法概论 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
220年的社会 富国与穷国社会学* 3学分
人和385 希腊悲剧 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
人和470 Seminar in Classical Humanities: Ritual, Culture, and Meaning in Greek and Roman Religion 3学分
尖刺外壳290 历史考古学* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
大学400年 通识教育反思 3学分
ENTR 201 The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Innovation* 3学分
Education Studies Concentration: Sample 18-Month Plan


Sample curriculum assumes 60 credits accepted in transfer, including general education core classes, 世界语言和世界文化 credits. Credit requirements and time to degree completion subject to change based on full time status and credits accepted in transfer. Sample elective courses indicated with an asterisk (*).

课程 课程描述 学分
大学300年 通识教育概论 3学分
EDFD 200 Psychological Foundations of Education 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
EDFD 221 Historical Foundations of American Education 3学分
FSHD 214 儿童发展I 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
人和202 普通人文学科II 3学分
人和281 希腊文明 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
EDFD 320 探究式教学 3学分
FSHD 225 探索家庭多样性 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
EDFD 445 人权教育 3学分
294年心理学 Psychology of Leadership: Theory and Application* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
FSHD 216 青少年发展 3学分
尖刺外壳105 Introduction to Disability Studies, Rights, and Culture* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
SOWK 220 社会福利政策及服务* 3学分
乍得210 虐待及忽视儿童* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
220年的社会 富国与穷国社会学* 3学分
EDFD 449 美国教育的当前问题 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
220年法律 冲突及其解决* 3学分
尖刺外壳205 美国流行文化中的残疾* 3学分

课程 课程描述 学分
大学400年 通识教育反思 3学分
EDFD 300 Assessment, Learning Sciences, and Ethics 3学分



Concentration in Humanities                 24学分

The Humanities concentration is built upon the existing state-approved B.A. in Humanities and emphasizes obsolescence-proof cognitive skills transferable to a wide range of career paths. Humanities concentrators acquire habits of analytical and critical thought, 口译练习技巧, 获得跨文化意识, and learn to approach 文化 contexts comparatively. Graduates of this concentration have expertise in knowledge management, which encompasses the ability to analyze, 评估, and synthesize information from a broad spectrum of sources, construct logical arguments supported by evidence, and articulate ideas clearly in oral and written formats. Humanities graduates pursue careers in many areas, 包括业务, 通信, 卫生保健, 法律, 社会工作, 和教育. Many will transition directly from our program into the work force, but some pursue further education and earn professional credentials or graduate degrees in a variety of Humanities and social science disciplines.

Take four (4) of the following for a total of twelve (12) credits

人和151: 人文学科的探究
人和201: 普通人文I
人和202: 普通人文学科II
人和285: 神话
人和499: 高级人文讲座

Take four (4) of the following for a total of twelve (12) credits

人和115: 特洛伊和特洛伊战争
人和201: 普通人文I
人和202: 普通人文学科II
人和281: 希腊文明
人和282: 罗马文明
人和332: “古代史专题”
人和351: 古代的城市
人和355: 亚历山大:传奇与遗产
人和357: 罗马共和国
人和358: 克利奥帕特拉
人和359: 奥古斯都时代的罗马
人和381: 古代的非洲

人和209: Introduction to Greek and Roman Religion
人和221: 海盗神话
人和283: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient World
人和285: 神话
人和288: 神话的传统
人和384: 罗马法概论
人和454: 卢克莱修与科学
人和470: Seminar in Classical Humanities: Ritual, Culture, and Meaning in Greek and Roman Religion

人和181: 古典考古学概论
人和182: 英语词汇:古典词根
人和211: 美国文化中的古典主义
人和230: 电影中的古希腊和罗马
人和290: Selected Topics in Greek and Roman Literature and Culture
人和313:  爱琴海艺术与考古
人和314: 希腊艺术
人和315: 罗马艺术
人和321: 中世纪早期艺术
人和345: 中世纪女性的影像
人和385: 希腊悲剧
人和320: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Humanities
人和361: Selected Topics in Mediterranean Archaeology
LATN 101: 开始拉丁语I
LATN 102: 开始拉丁语II

教育研究方向      24学分
This concentration provides an in-depth exposure and engagement with education as a social, 文化, 以及人类的政治努力, that historically has served to induct the young into the larger social and economic fabric of nations. 此外, this concentration through its coursework provides insights and understandings about education as a life-long engagement for human improvement, hence transcending the younger years into different stages of life.

This concentration fosters an environment for developing, 培养, and growing relationships with the content of study including social, 学术, 精神上的, 个人, 和/或情感层面. The primary function of these relationships is to enable growth, development, and learning.

An array of foundational courses provide different disciplinary perspectives, where students not only learn about education and schooling but also learn how disciplines construct the knowledge base for practitioners, 研究人员, 和政策制定者. 除了, coursework in this concentration offers opportunities to learn about human development, 社会制度, 家庭, 和社区.

除了 to learning about education and human improvement as a liberal art, Educational Studies will enable graduates to apply for the Masters of Arts in Teaching at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 因此, Educational Studies focuses on developing well-rounded, 有创意的, and inquiry-oriented educators who have broad subject matter knowledge of topics taught in elementary schools, and who are committed to the betterment of children, 社区, 和社会. The need for such learning experiences responds to the concept that teachers are intellectuals who know their students, who know the context of the 社区, and who have a broad understanding of the subject matter they will teach.

Select 4 courses from the following (12 credits):
EDFD 200 Psychological Foundations of Education*
EDFD 220 Philosophical Orientations to Education
EDFD 221 Historical Foundations of American Education
EDFD 264 性别与教育
EDFD 300 Assessment, Learning Sciences, and Ethics
EDFD 320 探究式教学
EDFD 445 人权教育
EDFD 449 美国教育的当前问题

课程s in Family Science and Human Development
Select 4 courses from the following (12 credits):
FSHD 141 人际关系
FSHD 200 Introduction to the Content Areas of Family Science and Human Development
FSHD 202 成人发展与老龄化
FSHD 214 儿童发展I*
FSHD 225 探索家庭多样性
FSHD 275 Comparative Studies of Global Families
FSHD 314 儿童发展II:青春期

* This course is a required prerequisite for any student interested in pursuing the Masters of Art in Teaching (MAT) leading to a K-6 certification at MSU after completing the BA degree.

除了FSHD 214, students interested in applying for an MAT program are advised to take the following in their BA studies:

  • 科学6学分
  • 社会科学6学分
  • 英语/语言艺术6学分
  • 数学3学分



要求 学分
通识教育核心 42
世界语言和世界文化 3-9
通识文学士 Core 6
Concentration (Humanities and Education Studies) 24
选修课 39-45
总计 120