
Restricted Undergraduate Majors

This information is not applicable to new, 必须满足单独录取标准的新入学学生.

Note: This information is subject to change. 咨询一下你感兴趣的专业的院系,确认这些要求是最新的. 访问部门网站获取更多详细的计划信息.

请注意:大学学院的学生必须与他们的学术顾问会面,以便申报以下任何专业,以确保满足入学要求. Schedule an Appointment on Navigate.


Department of Art and Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Illustration

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Visual Communication Design

Bachelor of Arts – Fashion Design and Merchandising

  • 2.75 GPA required
  • Prospective students cannot 使用NEST上的专业变更表单过程来声明专业. Students should instead contact Dr. Abby Lillethun via email at lillethuna@0933282516.com 要求转到服装设计和销售专业.
  • For more information, please contact Dr. Abby Lillethun, 973-655-4102, lillethuna@0933282516.com

Minor in Fashion Design or Fashion Merchandising

  • 3.00 overall GPA required
  • 建议的完成顺序至少需要四(4)个学期. 建议学生不迟于大三秋季学期申请辅修课程.
  • For Fashion Design:
    • 请注意:某些辅修课程必须按顺序完成, as they are pre-requisites for the later courses. 下列课程要求成功修毕下列必修课程:
      • ARTX 355要求成功完成MKTG 240和ARTX 201
      • ARTX 426要求成功完成ARTX 120, ARTX 226 (offered only in the spring), ARTX 201, ARTX 298, and ARTX 321
      • ARTX 422要求成功完成ARTX 426
  • For Fashion Merchandising:
    • 请注意:某些辅修课程必须按顺序完成, as they are pre-requisites for the later courses. 下列课程要求成功修毕下列必修课程:
      • ARTX 355要求成功完成MKTG 240和ARTX 201
      • ARTX 398要求成功完成ARTX 298和ARTX 321
      • ARTX 410要求成功完成ARTX 360
  • 欲了解更多信息,以及建议的课程顺序,请联系:博士. Abby Lillethun, 973-655-4102, lillethuna@0933282516.com

School of Communication and Media

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Animation/VFX

  •  3.00 cumulative GPA (recommended)
  • 未来的动画/视觉特效学生必须接受作品集审查(see requirements)
    • In addition to the above, 未来的学生还必须提交一份兴趣陈述(求职信)和两封推荐信
  • To begin the process, contact Lauren Carr, 973-655-7281, carrl@0933282516.com

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Filmmaking

John J. Cali School of Music

希望为所列节目安排试镜的学生应遵循以下说明 Cali School – Apply Page. 关于面试过程的进一步问题可以直接向面试协调员咨询 Linsay Setzer – at musauditions@0933282516.com.

Bachelor of Music – School and Community Settings with Voice, Guitar, Instrumental or Keyboard Primary

  • 初级乐器(或声乐)试听,音乐教育教师面试
    • 请注意:最终学位目标为音乐教育或音乐教育/特殊教育的学生将在其大二或大三最终接受教师教育课程之前接受本课程.

Bachelor of Music – Jazz Studies

  • 通过视频提交,以主要乐器(或声音)进行试音 only.
    • Please note: 视频审查后,可能会要求现场试镜.

Bachelor of Music – Performance (Voice, Instrumental, or Keyboard)

  • Audition on primary instrument (or voice)

Bachelor of Music – Theory/Composition

  • 试听主要乐器(或声音),面试和作品集审查

Bachelor of Arts – Music Therapy with Voice, Guitar, Keyboard, or Strings, Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion Primary

  • 主要乐器试音(或声音),面试
    • As part of the interview, 考生必须演唱一首流行音乐流派的歌曲, rock, jazz, blues, show, etc.) while self-accompanying on piano or guitar. 使用基本和弦来支持歌曲的和声-相对于精确, written accompaniment — is fully acceptable.

Minor in Music

  • 仅限以前或目前申报入约翰·J·霍普金斯大学的学生. Cali School of Music’s programs.

Bachelor of Arts – Recording Arts and Production

  • 2.50 cumulative GPA required, 3.00 preferred
  • Music portfolio and interview

开始申请的过程,并了解更多关于音乐组合的要求, please contact the Program Coordinator – Dr. Bryan Powell – at powellb@0933282516.com.

Department of Theatre and Dance

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Musical Theatre

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Theatre (Concentration in Acting)

Bachelor of Fine Arts – 戏剧(设计、技术与管理方向)

Bachelor of Arts – Theatre Studies

  • No audition or interview required, 然而,建议召开一次会议,以了解更多有关该计划及其课程的信息
  • Contact: Jessica Brater, Life Hall, Room 440, 973-655-3259, braterj@0933282516.com

Bachelor of Fine Arts – Dance

Bachelor of Arts – Dance (Concentration in Dance Education)


Department of Nutrition and Food Studies

Bachelor of Science – 营养与食品科学(营养学方向)

  • 3.20 GPA required
  • 完成NUFD 150, NUFD 192,数学109和化学113
    • Earned a C or higher in dietetic (DPD) coursework
  • 联系人:madalena Antosiewicz,大学大厅,2154室, 973-655-6681, antosiewczm@0933282516.com


Bachelor of Science – 运动科学(临床及专业预科方向)

Bachelor of Science – 体育教育(专注于教育环境中的体育活动)

  • 2.75 GPA required for Sophomores; 3.00 for Juniors
    • 寻求教师认证的学生还必须完成教师教育计划的要求.
  • Contact: 973-655-5253, espe@0933282516.com


Bachelor of Arts – Family Science and Human Development (Concentrations in Family Services or Families, Children, and School Settings)


Teacher Education and Certification

Application required. Learn More and Apply Here.

Prospective students are encouraged to request an appointment on Navigate with the Teacher Education Admissions, 招聘和多元化团队了解更多关于录取过程, 参加信息会议(在整个学年举行)或通过电子邮件直接联系教学中心 TEAdmissions@0933282516.com.

Annual Application Deadlines:

  • September 15 for Spring admission
  • February 1 for Fall admission
    • 双认证学士/硕士联合课程的申请者只能在春季(2月1日)申请。.

如果这些日期是在周六或周日, 学生必须在下周一之前提交申请. 

Requirements for All Certifications

  • Completion and submission of Teacher Education Admissions Application by the designated deadline (see above)
  • Passing standardized test score(s) (Praxis Core, SAT, or ACT (PDF))
  • 3.00 cumulative GPA required for applicants to a single certification program; 3.申请双认证的学士/硕士联合课程的申请人需要25个累积GPA
    • An applicant with an overall major GPA of 2.75或更高可以申请入学,但必须完成补充论文作为申请过程的一部分.
  • 达到相应专业的最低GPA要求
  • 证明令人满意的书面(论文)和口头技能(面试)
  • 提交一份专业简历和教职员工的推荐信


  • 3.00 cumulative GPA required
  • Prerequisites for application:
    • 完成以下课程并取得C或以上成绩:PSYC 101, CMST 101, ECEL 200, FCST 214, and EDFD 221
    • 完成相应专业课程的9 - 11学分
      • Math majors must complete 11 credits, including:
        • Calculus I
        • Calculus II
        • 一(1)额外的课程,需要微积分II作为先决条件(1).e., MTHM 201)
  • 继续阅读“所有认证的要求”(见上文)

P-12 Subject Area Certifications (e.g. Math, English, etc.)

  • Prerequisites for application:
    • 以C或更高成绩完成以下课程:SASE 210, EDFD 200 (or one of the equivalent courses, PSYC 200 or FSHD 216)
    • 完成相应专业课程的9 - 11学分
      • Math majors must complete 11 credits, including:
        • Calculus I
        • Calculus II
        • 一(1)额外的课程,需要微积分II作为先决条件(1).e., MTHM 201)
  • 继续阅读“所有认证的要求”(见上文)

Combined Dual Degree/Certification Program

  • 完成您的认证领域的课程要求(见上文)
  • 3.25 cumulative and major GPA required
  • Additional essay and interview required


  • 2.70 GPA required
  • 集中:阿拉伯语、汉语、法语、德语、意大利语、俄语、西班牙语
  • Contact: Enza Antenos, Schmitt Hall, Room 241B, 973-655-7943, antenosconfe@0933282516.com

Department of Political Science and Law

Bachelor of Arts – Jurisprudence, Law and Society

  • Students must meet one of the following criteria:
    • Top twenty percent of high school graduating class OR
    • An overall minimum 3.在十大博彩推荐排名或之前的机构完成至少24个学分时,平均绩点为00(转学) OR
    • An overall minimum 3.该学生在法学专业的前三门课程的GPA为00
  • Contact: Ian Drake, Dickson Hall, Room 208, 973-655-7223, drakei@0933282516.com

Department of Justice Studies

Bachelor of Arts – Justice Studies


Department of Biology

Bachelor of Science – Biology, Molecular Biology, Marine Biology and Coastal Science

Contact: Dr. Dirk Vanderklein, Science Hall, Room 116, 973-655-5265, vanderkleid@0933282516.com

  • 2.50 overall GPA required
    • Please note: The Biology, Molecular Biology, 海洋生物学和海岸科学专业有保留政策. 在本专业第二学期结束时(i.e. spring), students must:
      • Maintain a minimum 2.50 GPA
      • 已完成以下课程:BIOL 112或BIOL 113, CHEM 106 or CHEM 120, 数学111或AMAT120,第一次考得C-或更高.
  • CSAM Student Success Center advising meeting required
  • 包括上述内容在内,入学需要生物学学术顾问的最终批准.

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

联系人:Saliya Desilva,理查森大厅356室, 973-655-5140, desilvas@0933282516.com

Bachelor of Science – Chemistry, Biochemistry


  • 成功完成数学111与C-或更高
  • 以C或更高的成绩成功完成CHEM 120

Bachelor of Science – Chemistry (Concentration in Business)

  • 2.70 overall GPA required
    • 请注意:学生只能在大一之后申请这个项目.
  • 成功完成数学111与C-或更高
  • 以C或更高的成绩成功完成CHEM 120

School of Computing

Bachelor of Science – Computer Science, Information Technology

  • 3.00 overall GPA required and 下列课程的平均成绩为B
    • 请注意:以上专业有保留政策. 学生必须在前两个学期获得及格成绩,在以下课程中达到C-或更高,同时保持最低2分.65累积GPA: CSIT 104, CSIT 111, CSIT 170和数学111(或数学122或AMAT 120)
    • 不符合以上要求的,将被从本专业除名, 除非计算机系认为再给学生一个学期的时间,学生可以满足上述要求.
      • 上述课程要求修习以下的必修课程或实习:
        • CSIT 104要求成功完成数学100与C-或更高,或安置到数学111
        • CSIT 111 requires MATH 111 as a co-requisite, if not already completed, or placement directly to Calculus I

Bachelor of Science – Data Science

  • 3.在下列课程中,总GPA必须达到00或平均成绩达到B
    • Please note: Data Science has a retention policy. 学生必须在前两个学期获得及格成绩,在以下课程中达到C-或更高,同时保持最低2分.65累积GPA: CSIT 104, CSIT 114, CSIT 170和数学111(或数学122或AMAT 120)
    •  不符合以上要求的,将被从本专业除名, 除非计算机系认为再给学生一个学期的时间,学生可以满足上述要求.

Minor in Computer Science 

  • 3.在下列课程中,总GPA必须达到00或平均成绩达到B
  • 成功完成以下课程并取得C-或以上成绩:CSIT 104, CSIT 111, CSIT 170 and MATH 111 (or MATH 122 or AMAT 120)
    • 请注意:上述课程要求修习以下必修课程或实习:
      • CSIT 104要求成功完成数学100与C-或更高,或安置到数学111
      • CSIT 111 requires MATH 111 as a co-requisite, if not already completed, or placement directly to Calculus I

Minor in Data Science

  • 3.总GPA达到00或以下课程的平均成绩达到B
  • 成功完成以下课程并取得C-或以上成绩:CSIT 104, CSIT 114, CSIT 170 and MATH 111 (or MATH 122 or AMAT 120)

Prospective Feliciano School of Business students 必须完成至少12个大学学分 申请以下学位课程.

Bachelor of Arts – Economics

Bachelor of Arts – Hospitality, Sports, Events and Tourism

  • 2.50 overall GPA required
    • 请注意:酒店、体育、活动和旅游部门有保留政策. Students must maintain a minimum 2.30 major GPA. 
  • Contact: Yawei Wang, 973-655-4099, wangya@0933282516.com

Bachelor of Science – Accounting

  • 3.00 overall GPA required; 2.70 Business Major GPA required
    • 请注意:会计专业有保留政策. Students must maintain a minimum 2.70 major GPA.
  • 联系人:Eric Moskovitz, Feliciano商学院,170室 973-655-6815, moskovitze@0933282516.com

Bachelor of Science – Business Administration (All Concentrations)

Bachelor of Science – 工商管理(金融方向)

  • 3.00 overall GPA required; 2.50 Business Major GPA required
    • 请注意:财务集中有保留政策. Students must maintain a minimum 2.50 major GPA.
  • 联系人:Eric Moskovitz, Feliciano商学院,170室 973-655-6815, moskovitze@0933282516.com

Bachelor of Science – Business Analytics

Minor in Business

  • 2.75 GPA required
    • 请注意:除了在读工商管理专业(任何专业)的学生外,所有专业都允许申报副修商务. 


  • 2.50 GPA required

Minor in Finance

  • 2.50 GPA required
    • 请注意:只有当前费利西亚诺商学院的学生才有资格申报金融辅修专业, 除了经济学(资产管理方向)和工商管理(金融方向)专业的学生.

Minor in International Business

  • 2.25 GPA required
    • 请注意:除了在读工商管理专业(国际商务专业)的学生外,所有专业都允许申报副修国际商务专业.

护理学院只接受符合条件的新生入学 Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

不允许内部转学到护理学院 through change of major requests.

所有在校生都应该和他们的学术顾问预约 Navigate 讨论通往医疗保健相关领域的平行学术途径.


University College only accepts eligible adult students (25 years or older) 谁回到大学完成他们未完成的学业 Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies online degree completion program.

所有目前未达到最低入学标准的本科生应与他们的学术顾问预约 Navigate 讨论他们在大学的学术选择.

Last Modified: Monday, June 3, 2024 10:15 am