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Steven Greenstein

Associate Professor, Mathematics

B.S., Georgia State University
M.S., Texas State University, San Marcos
Ph.D., The University of Texas, Austin
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我的教学和研究议程的主要目标是使真正的数学活动民主化,以尊重学习者数学思维的多样性, that is both nurturing of and nurtured by intellectual agency, and that is guided by self-directed inquiry, mathematical play, and the having of wonderful ideas.

有关我们的本科和研究生数学教育课程的更多信息, including our Teaching Middle Grades Mathematics programs, please see the Links section below.


我喜欢思考数学问题——以及人们如何思考数学问题... especially when they do so with things.

My research interests are in mathematical experience; people's mathematical thinking; enactive phenomenology; the Making of physical tools for learning mathematics; and issues of education and social justice.

我目前的研究项目是关于数学经验的现象学, cultivating children's creative and qualitative mathematics, 并在小学教师的准备工作中确定操纵性制作经验的好处.


Research Projects

Stretchy Minds

Guided by the question, “当孩子们开始理解质的差异是创造性改变学习的一个基本维度时,新的世界就会出现。?“我和我的合作者正在采用基于设计的方法来开发经验,通过定性几何游戏来教导孩子们‘深度创造力’,这些游戏阐明了非度量差异在种类上和度量差异在程度上的区别. 通过提供创造性、趣味性和审美欣赏的媒介(C. Thi Nguyen, Games: Agency as Art), 当孩子们逐渐理解这些想法时,这些合作游戏会培养他们的能动性和自主性.

Making for Mathematical Learning

本项目将一种新颖的以制作为导向的体验融入到职前K-6数学教师(pst)的培养中。, and documents influences to the PSTs’ knowledge and identities. The experience will enable the PSTs to design and print out new tools, using digital 3-D fabrication technologies, that support mathematics teaching and learning. 研究目标包括:(1)描述PSTs所调用的知识形式,设计和制作新的教具来支持数学教与学, (2) tracing and elaborating the development of the PSTs’ technological, mathematical, pedagogical, and curricular knowledge as they engage in this work, (3)记录pst的话语揭示了设计空间的图形世界的本质以及其中的人的身份.

Educational CAD Library

The Educational CAD Model Library, launched in September 2023, 是一个用于K-12 STEM教学和学习的同行评审教育对象的存储库. I am the curator of the Mathematics Education Collection.

Children's Topological Thinking

我对6岁和7岁的孩子进行了教学实验,以模拟他们直观和非正式的拓扑概念的发展. 我设计了一个新的动态几何环境,叫做Configure(在playwithshapes).com),我用它来引出这些概念并进一步支持它们的发展. To date, 我发现这些孩子发展出了重要而真实的几何推理形式. It is these newly identified forms of reasoning, which I refer to as "qualitative geometry,“这对几何的教学和学习以及对学生数学推理的研究都有影响.

Critical Mathematical Inquiry

Through teaching mathematics for social justice (M4SJ), 当学生认识到数学是一门丰富的学科时,他们对数学的理解就会加深, relevant, 理解和潜在影响对他们和他们的社区很重要的问题的分析工具. But mathematics isn't only a servant of the sciences, it is also its queen (E. T. Bell). As such, 数学可以作为批判性数学探究(CMI)的场所,因为它需要独特而强大的思维和推理形式,这可能对培养批判性意识有用. Proceeding from these two perspectives, the focus of this project is to identify, explore, 并在数学探究与民主和社会正义教育的交叉点上,为实践创造新的途径.

Noyce @ Montclair: Preparing the Effective Elementary Mathematics Teacher

Noyce @ Montclair奖学金项目旨在培养高效的小学数学教师. 我们为学生在高需求的K-12教育环境中提供有效的小学数学教学的示范准备. 我们的学生获得数学本科学位以及K-6小学教学证书. Each Noyce @ Montclair scholar receives $15,000 (to cover tuition and fees) and a $10,为期两年,每年可获得000英镑的津贴,另外还有额外的钱用于当地会议旅行和数字背包. In return for the funds, 学生同意每获得一年的资助(如果你获得两年的资助),就在高需求学校工作两年, you would teach in a high-need setting for four years).

Developing a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for the U.S. Virgin Islands

我与维尔京群岛大学的教师合作,开发了一个新的中级STEM教师准备项目,名为UVITeach,通过改编现有的, nationally recognized model (UTeach). In developing this adaptation, 我们发现,考虑未来教师将要任教的社会和文化背景是明智的. 我们对高中数学教师和其他教育利益相关者进行了访谈和后续课堂观察,并确定了与有效教学相关的教学法的八个特征. We refer to these features as "Principles of Culturally Responsive Practice." These indicators comprise a model of contextually situated, 文化共鸣教学法为新教师培训计划的设计提供了信息.