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Yi Luo

Associate Professor, School of Communication and Media

BA, Sichuan University
MA, University of Maryland, College Park
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park
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Dr. Luo has conducted research in the areas of organizational change, sensemaking, leadership, social media and communication management, activism, organizational justice, and global public relations. Dr. Luo received her Ph.D in Communication from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Dr. Luo's research has been published or accepted to be published in Public Relations Review, Journal of Public Relations Research, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Journal of Applied Communication, New Media and Public Relations, Global Media Journal, and Asian Journal of Communication.

Dr. Luo teaches a variety of courses in organizational communication and public relations such as Cases and Campaigns, Communication Theories, Communication Research, Global Public Relations, Public Relations Ethics, New Media Applications in Organizations, and Digital Production.

Dr. Luo serves on the editorial board for the Studies in Media and Communication journal. She currently serves as a co-chair of the fundraising committee for the Public Relations Division at AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication).